8. Tattoo

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All this years I knew the only person i needed to protect was Annika. She was reason i was breathing. I would do anything for her and god forbid that if anything happens to her I'll go down with her.
Last night the state I saw her in was devestating. Annika was someone who fhights and would do anything for her self-respect, but she looked so lifeless and scared. As if she was having a episode of panic.

I know she won't just tell me but I am monster and I will get it out of her. I was going to wait for her to tell me by herself but I need to know. And I will know.

Now I was holding a petite figure in my hand. Her eyes red and puffed. I push away a few strands from her hairs. Her honey skin a little pale with a few scratches on her shoulder and legs because of those basterds.

I look at her. Her two thirty seven freckles on her back and face looks like the spots on moon making her look divine, her beautiful brown hairs tangled inbetween my fingers as i stroke her hairs.

I kiss her forehead. Admiring the women I loved forever. This moments with her made me think of the past and all the moment came flooding back.


10 years ago.

"Why are you so irresponsible? Are you kidding me? Bhai if you keep getting into fights like this he will kick you out." Lia kept blabbering  as she cleand the scratch on my forehead, well according to her it needs stitches but I know it doesn't.

"it's okay, Lia. Nothing big."

" You want me to slap you." She puts a little pressure on the cotton bad.

It didn't affect me much but i wince just to tease her. Her big brown eyes immediately waterd.

"Sorry sorry sorry Bhai." She does it more gently like i was made of glass or something.

Our attention was caught by a sparkly disco ball that came running towards us. Ofcourse. Annika.

She was wearing a pink god i don't believe that this girls wears pink like skin, anyway she was wearing those sparkly sequence shirt with a white skirt.

For the first time in my life. I looked at someone beautiful. My mother and sister were pretty but she was beautiful full of flaws but beautifully.

The freckles on her nose and cheeks just made her look like the moon. My moon.

I knew it was wrong comparing her to the moon because it appears and disappears but God forbid if she is ever gone.

Ever since five from the first time I saw her i fell in love with her. I know that I was a kid but I can't stop. She doesn't even remember me but I do remember her clear as a day.

She stops right infront of us. Her beautiful eyes shining and her dress reflecting light.

"Sooooo?" She question looking back and forth at me and Annika.

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