6. Pathetic

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I got up around five in the morning today. This is going to be a freaking long day. I am going to be working at THE QUEENS. it's one of the most running fashion platform in the world and now they were in India. I am really excited. I have always loved their designs and everything.

A text popped on my phone.

Rudransh - all the best my love.

Annika - aww thank you.

I put my phone in my purse.

I get myself ready. Looking the best i ever looked. I am wearing a pink dress which ended right above my knees. It had those spaghetti straps and lastly i put on my heels.

I check myself one more time in the mirror and take some selfies. I'll post them on my Instagram story later on.

Yesterday was kinda weird. I meet Lia after such a long time. It's really good to see her, but, when I saw how Shalini aunty looked at her. It honestly hit a nerve. Actually all thanks to Siya and her murderous glare. She made that old witch look away.

I honestly respected her but, gradually after learning from my brother and a little from Lia that she mistreated all of her kids including my babies. I just hate her. How dare she mistreat my Favourite people.

I get out of my room and go downstairs. I hug my mom and dad. They both smiled and gave me blessings as i touched their feet. Classic. Well my parents are the best parents ever, love them.

I get out of the house and go in my car and i start the engine and drive towards the workplace.

The drive was peaceful. My attention was caught by two shits bothering a women. I immediately get out my car and throw my Louis Vuitton hell at one of the prick. Right in the eye. Yes. I take off my other shoe and throw it aminig at his dick.

"What the fuck?" He groans and rolls around holding his small pickle to it's dear life.

The other guy walks towards me with a knife in his hand.

"Galat jega pe aageyi janeman." He snickered.

(You came to the wrong place darling)

A soft chuckle left my mouth. I take a step back and punch him in the face with all my strength. He stumbles back. I kick him in the nuts with my full strength. Now both were on the ground holding their penises.

"You just wait I'll make your life miserable." One of them said.

I just shove middle finger in their face. I go to the poor girl and smile a little. I help her get up and walk with her towards my car. I pick up my heels and put them back on.

God i couldn't just leave my Louis Vuitton there. Donatella, my god, would never forgive me.

She was wearing a black dress with bunch on ruffles around the skirt. Her soft honey blonde hairs were tied in two ponytails and she looked like a gothic princess.

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