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Summary:Wanda and Pietro's sister Y/n, a soft spoken sweet girl, has a giant crush on the big-bad former, winter soldier. Being the overprotective brother Pietro doesn't like it one bit but she still never leaves Bucky's side.

I don't know how long I had been staring at him but I couldn't help it, he is gorgeous.
The way his soft brown hair falls in front of his beautiful,stormy blue eyes. He didn't realise what I was doing which is probably good for me as I have been ogling, James buchanan Barnes, for about 15 minutes now.
"N/n, wanna join us for breakfast" I hear my sister, Wanda, day in her soft voice.
She has been trying to get rid of her accent lately and she is doing a great job at it. Pietro, on the other hand,is already more American than any of us, but then again he has always been faster than his sisters.
"Coming" I reply.
My American accent is not as good as hers or Pete's but I'm learning.
Before I could think of anything I was swept of my feet and in a chair within a second.
"Pete, I told you not to do that without telling me" I scold my older brother, even if he is only older than us by a few minutes.
"Can't help it, you people are slow" he says in a nonchalant tone picking a snack from my plate. I swat his hand away but he already has a few in his mouth.
"Can you guys keep it down over there. I'm trying to work." I hear Bucky's raspy voice coming from the other side of the living room.
I look at him and make eye contact, his voice already had butterflies flying inside my stomach and now he was looking straight at me. He never does that.
"Why don't you go and work somewhere else, Terminator" my brother mocks him. I give him a dirty look and silently apologize to Bucky.
"We will try to keep it down,sorry." Wanda says but he was still looking at me.
I feel my cheeks grow red and I bury my face in my plate.
He only nodded and went back to his work.
"What's wrong with you?"Pietro asks me.
"Nothing" I lie.
"Right... Lie to me as if I don't know you at all. What was that look for anyway?"
"What look?" I try to play dumb.
"You looked like you want to stab me for calling Barnes, Terminator."
"I didn't. Perhaps I should though, you shouldn't be so rude to him. We know better than most what he has been through" I almost whisper the last part not because I didn't want Bucky to hear it but because it hurt to think about our time at Hydra.
"Okay, okay. Don't upset yourself, I'll be nice to him if you stay away from him." He says drifting my attention away from the bad memories.
"What?" I asked. Confusion written on my face.
"You don't think I don't know about your little crush on him, do you?" As soon as the words left his mouth I look straight at my sister who seems to find her almost empty plate really interesting. I kick her under the table.
"Ouch.... I didn't tell him"
"She didn't tell me. She doesn't need to. I know you and it's really obvious. I've seen you always helping him around, and I don't like it. So stay the hell away." He warns me.
"But why? He's a good guy, isn't he?" I look at Wanda for support.
"He is. He's been really sweet to me and to y/n." She tries to help me.
"Doesn't make him any less dangerous. I don't want you around anymore danger. We've already lost you once, that's not happening again." He said in a no nonsense tone and I couldn't blame him when we were separated during our time in Hydra I almost died since then pete had been extremely protective of me.
"And stop supporting her in every stupid thing she does" he scolds Wanda too. I feel bad for pulling her into this now.

Both of them left the living room soon after to train and I was left sitting they wondering how to change my brother's mind. Then it hit me, even if I change Pete's mind it wouldn't matter because Bucky is not interested in me, like at all. He barely ever looks at me.
He probably hates me. I don't think I would blame him if he did. He was forced into being Hydra's slave, whereas me and my siblings joined willingly. He must hate anyone and anything related to that place, and I'm one of them.
I sigh thinking about everything when I hear him trying to reach for something on the top shelf.
He is tall, really tall, but the shelves are taller, so without thinking I raise my hand and magenta pink swirls around them and the item he had been reaching for comes down slowly.
He looks at me unsure as to what to do.
"Take it. You were looking for it, weren't you?"I ask, smiling a little at his dumbfound empression.
"Um... Yeah. Thanx"he said and left the kitchen.
I sigh once again. 'Maybe I shouldn't have used my powers', Maybe it made him uncomfortable'. Thoughts were swirling in my head when I heard someone clear their throat.
I look up to find Bucky towering over me looking quiet uncomfortable.
"Is something wrong?" I ask him.
" nothing's wrong, I just... You know what nevermind, forget it." He said nervously and started to turn around. Without thinking much I grab his hand, which happened to be his left one, he instantly froze.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." I apologized softly.
"It's okay"he replied not very convincingly.
"Can you tell me what you wanted to say earlier?"I am hoping for an answer.
"Uhhh.... I heard your conversation" he whispered.
It was as if he was the one who could read minds and not me.
"I heard all of it. You guys were loud and I have super hearing,so.... I kind of couldn't help it."
I sat there, frozen with fear of the inevitable rejection coming my way.
"Do you have a crush on me?" He asked his voice unusually soft.
"Yes" I whisper.
He only smiles, wide and full of joy. His eyes shining like a child.
"What?" I asked.
He shook his head and said "All this time I was scared you didn't like me so I kept my distance, when I could have done this."
Before I could ask 'done what?' he pressed his lips on mine.
His lips were softer than I had imagined and boy was he a wonderful kisser. The kiss was soft and full of passion as if he had been waiting to do this.
" So does this mean you like me too?" I ask nervously as soon as he pulls away.
"Yes darling. I like you a lot" he chuckled and pulled me in again.
I smiled in the kiss, praying to the universe to not let it be another one of my dreams.

"Hey n/n I think I forgot my..... What the fuck" I hear Pietro shout.
"Ummmm..sorry" I chuckle and run away from my brother who is probably coming to kill me now.
Bucky only laughs at our childishness but his eyes remain fixed on me.
Maybe I will have to change Pete's mind,after all.


Wowwwww.... First request. I'm really grateful. Everyone who is reading this, thank you so very much. I really hope I did justice to your imagination reesescup10and If I didn't I'm really sorry. Please feel free to tell me if you like it.
Also please vote.

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