6 dinners

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Ponyboy's POV:
Saturday, May 25th
Mom wanted to make dinner for everyone since Darry got home today.
She even invited Steve and Johnny. But I didn't tell her about us.

We say a prayer before we eat, "oh my God, Mama Curtis you can cook." Did I tell you I hate Steve?

"I'm saying, I haven't eaten like this in ages." Darry looks starved not even gonna pretend he doesn't.

"Wait." He looks around. "Well I'll be damned, I'm the only one who didn't have anyone to bring to the table."

"I didn't either." Mom nods. It gets quiet for a few moments after that.

"I need Steve and Soda to grow up because I want another baby." She decides.

"Why us?" Soda looks very confused.

"Because you guys would make cute babies. Imagine it. Swirling your stuff together and poof! Magic." She motions.

This makes the table go really quiet then Johnny spits the sip of Cola he had in his mouth into a napkin and he laughs. Johnny has a beautiful laugh, child-like and cute. He cackles, then Darry joins him and they both laugh until they cry. Mom giggling in between their cackles.

I'm shocked out of my wits. Why did she just say that?

"I looked at Ponyboy, and I couldn't do it anymore." Darry wiped his face.

Johnny wiped his eyes, and took a huge sigh, "I'm sorry." He shook his head.

"I'm beyond worried about you." Steve tells my mom, smiling.

"No like, little cum bubble babies they'd be so adorable. To me." She looks around.

Johnny burst out in laughter going red, "that's not something I ever thought I'd hear. Cum. Bubble. Babies. I love you." Johnny tells my mom.

"Aw Johnny, I love you too." She tilts her head.

"I don't even know what to say?" Soda searches for the answer.

"Yeah, me either. Thank you, I guess?" Steve continues eating.

"What about me? You don't want a baby from me?" Darry asks her.

"Well you don't have a girlfriend, so there's nothing to compare." She shut that down fast, before looking between me and Johnny. "They'd make cute babies too."

"We're not together." We answer.

The whole table looks around.

"Keep telling yourself that." Darry rolls his eyes.

"Ok so we are." We retaliate.

"How long?" Mom smiles.

"Since yesterday." I feel myself blushing.

They nod in agreement, "y'all are cute." Even Steve can be right about one thing sometimes.

We thank him.

Soon dinner is over and Darry helps mom clean up.

Me and Johnny to my room and lay on my bed. I'm full.

He take his shirt off and so do I.

"It's still kinda early, but I'm full." He read my mind.

"Me too." I tell him.

"Johnny, am I your first hoyfriend?" Random question, but it came to mind.

"No." He did his little smile and shook his head.

"How many have you had?" I tilt my head.

"Only two others, but obviously dating boys around here isn't something that people exactly jump for joy about." He does a little dance.

"Yeah, I didn't think so." I laugh, "I had a girlfriend last year, but that was the last time I even had a crush. Besides you of course." I nudge him.

He lays his head on my shoulder and cuddles me.
He takes a long inhale in, "you smell sweet."

Soda's POV:
Steve knows exactly what to say to make me blush.
"You're just so much better than that. All those girls just weren't giving you what you deserve."

I had asked him why he liked me so much. That was his answer.

"What did they really get out of you?" He leans in.

"Money, time, energy, sex. Everything." I tell him.

"You had sex with them? Which one?" He looks in shock.

"Emmy. Then it was all she cared about, so I broke up with her. I felt too fake." I tell him.

"Aw dude." He looks sad.

"Are you virgin?" Enough about me.

"Surprisingly, yes. I don't know how much longer that'll last. But I haven't dated anyone since Sophomore year so." He shrugs. I feel like I've really messed up because how is Steve virgin and I'm not.

"It's okay though. Not everyone loses it to someone perfect." He wipes it off and keeps it pushing. I love how good at that Steve is.

He throws his arm around me and I lean into him.
You know that thing Steve did a few days ago?
"I just wanna see what gets you going"...
what if I do that too?
I like being teased and kinda roughed around, but what does he like?

I turn to him, "Can I tell you something weird?" I shrug.

"Sure." He smiles lightly and innocent. Fake.

"Sometimes when I touch myself I think about you and I cum." I whisper.

He stays in the whisper, "oh." His smile almost gets bigger and he gets red.

"Yeah, something about you... you're just such a sexy person. I wonder what you'd look like sucking me?" I continue.

"Yeah, I wonder too." He looks so bothered.

"You wanna tell me what's on your mind?" I lean in now.

"I'm so horny right now cause of you." He looks like it.

"I just wanted to see what got you going." I shrug at him and bring his hand to touch me.

"Wow, you figured that out pretty fast didn't you?" He laughs.

I feel all the blood in my body going down, "yeah, but soon I'm gonna have to figure myself out too."

The Konley Effect (summer) ~Johnnyboy/StevepopWhere stories live. Discover now