7 outer spaces

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Darry's POV:
Sunday, May 26th
I woke up around seven or so to help mom cook. Steve and Soda came out and ate.

"When are you going home, baby?" Mom asked Steve.

"I told Angie I'd be back at eleven. Not that my actual parents will give two shits." He wiped his mouth.

"Sure they will. You're parent just... have a lot going on sometimes." I can tell she's trying, but Steve's parents have never seemed to care much about their son. It's like sometimes they do and sometimes they really, really don't.

"Yeah, like when they missed all my football games, and when I was little, baseball, and you had to pick me up from school because they were too busy getting one of my sisters. Yeah, they have so much going on and they don't want any of it to involve me." He shrugs.

"They might not show it all the time, but they really want you around I promise." Mom really has a big heart.

"I'm glad someone still believes that." He nods, smiling wide. Ya'know... sometimes I worry about Steve.

"I'm gonna see if the babies are still asleep." I put my plate in the sink and he to Pony's room.

I slowly open the door to see him wrapped up in Johnny's thighs. Interesting... they're both dead asleep and pantless.

I hear Steve and Soda coming up behind me to peek in as well.

"Well, well, well." Steve laughs.
Soda gets to laughing with him.

Then Soda closes the door and bangs on it as hard as he can. When we open the door, I give them both a lot of anger.

Johnny was now lightly crying and he sat up an asked me, "what was that?"

"It was the assholes."

"Sorry." Soda whispers. Steve stands there all embarrassed.

Ponyboy wakes up slowly and creeps up to stretch before seeing his boyfriend in tears.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, it's fine."

Pony looks over at all of us and throws a pillow,
"get the hell out of here."

Johnny's POV:
Last time I heard banging on a door, my dad came in and slapped me straight across the face.

I told Pony what happened and he gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry, they weren't gonna hurt you though." He comforts.

I tell him it's okay.

"What do you wanna do today John John?" He gets up and starts finding clothes. I think he's about to go shower.

"I'll probably go home and shower then come back and-"

"I think you'll wanna shower after this. I have a little idea of something we could do."

We ended up in front of mud. A huge puddle of it.

"What is there to do?"

"You're a boy aren't you?"


"Don't you like getting dirty?"

I couldn't help but smile, not because that was necessarily true, but because this is so stupid.

He took my hand, "then let's get dirty!"

He pulls me in and we sink down into mud. Everywhere, swimming in the shit.

It smelt like earth and looked like turds, but it was fun.

He laid down in it and came up brown and laughing.

I did the same. It wasn't too thick and it was hot outside so it felt pretty good!

He took his hands and rubbed it at me. I took some and threw it. He acted offended and soon this turnt into a game. Playing and tossing in mud. In my hair. My socks. Everywhere. Probably up my nose.

We sat in it for another while before marching back up near his house. Feeling it dry to our skin.

When his mom saw us she shook her head with disappointment and a smile. "Girls would never." She complained, playfully.
Then she blasted us with hose water. And the mud actually, mostly washed away, then here came the shower part.

He went to his room and his clothes disappeared. I covered my eyes.

"Way to hang out." I laugh awkwardly.

"Wanna get in with me? You could turn the other way."

And that was how I ended up naked behind Ponyboy Curtis. I didn't care though a showers a shower. And it's hot outside and we're muddy. And he's hot. It's all okay.

When we get out, we dry off, trying not to stare at each other and he gives me his clothes.
They're his old ones. His Jorts sit on my on hips rather than up on my waist, and the shirt he gave me in a tight one. It has Robin from Batman on it.

"Oh my God." Not trying to think badly or anything, but his eyes are fucking all over me.

"What?" I twist myself from side to side.

"You're so pretty." He blushes, he meets my eyes before going back down and up again.

"Thank you."

Ponyboy's POV:
Usually I know what to do, but in this moment I feel stuck. He's such a sweet soul and his body is gorgeous. I feel my package getting hot and I hope he can't see it.

He takes my hand, "let's go to the flowers. They make me feel alive." He smiles and leads us there.

I nod happily, the walk there leaves me feeling completely uncomfortable and disgustingly, a sensitive wreck. It's driving me crazy. I can't ignore it now, and there's not a doubt in my mind he can see it. It's out there now.

He sits in my lap, I don't know if he's a bitch or an angel? "We're here." He cheers.

"Yeah." I nod, he plays with my hands in his lap like he's not slowly pressing down on top of me.

Maybe a minute goes by before I genuinely moan into his ear and it's not quiet either.

I feel him blush as he turns around a little.
I hate myself in this moment so much.

"sorry~" my voice cracked. I can't hold it anymore as I pant and moan.

I squeeze his hand in mine, close my eyes, gasp, and then completely cum myself, moaning out like I always do.

"Sorry." I apologize again.

I feel fucking disgusting.

"You're fine."

Johnny's POV:
I think I'm in Heaven. He moans like a star.

I whisper and wipe his tears, he tells me about how embarrassed he was. "It's okay, love."

The Konley Effect (summer) ~Johnnyboy/StevepopWhere stories live. Discover now