17 energetic boost

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Ponyboy's POV:
July 15th, Monday
"Why are you so happy today?" Baby-Child tilted her head at me.

"I don't know I just feel better today, Baby-Child." I shrug.

I feel more awake, I don't think I slept as much as I normally do. I've been sleeping way too early this summer.

So I got ready me and Momma did some farm work and by some I mean. A lot.

We didn't come back in until lunch and then we both act lunch and showered. You don't know what tired is until you stay outside for hours in a field or a barn.

And it was just the two of us. Darry was at Lorrie's house, Soda was with Steve and some of their friends doing who knows what? And Johnny. In my head, he was miles away. Too far to run, but in the wavey lines in the air. I could see him. Wherever he was.

Baby-Child was playing with a baby doll on the ground. Rocking it and kissing it and calling it hers.
I smiled watching her, she's gonna be such a good mama one day. Damn, I'll be old that day.

I sat on the couch, with Momma in my arms. No blankets just us. I remember when she could hold me like this. She seemed so little now.

Every time I blinked my eyelids got heavier and heavier until they didn't open.

I dreamed of my parents, both of them. My dream was in the flowers. I was bitty. My dad laughed and took my mom's hand. She was grinning, it was beautiful. And then he picked me up and spun us both around.

When I turnt my head Soda and Darry were playing tag. The whole thing was a sunny, slow motion blur.

When I woke up Momma was no longer in my arms.

The sun was down and everyone was in the living room. On different places that weren't the couch because I had been taking up the whole thing.

I rubbed my eyes and huffed, "what time is it?" I yawned.

"8:32." Darry nodded.

My eyes widened in shock, me and Momma had fell asleep around one or two!

"I'm gonna go eat." I got straight up.

"Of course the first thing you think is: I've gotta go eat!" Steven mocks.

"Yeah, I'm starved." I complain. So I eat and then use the bathroom and get in my pjs and come back, and sit on the couch.

Baby-Child comes out of the kitchen, I didn't even know she was in there, holding herself and wobbling.

"My tummy hurts." She says it to Steve, and he thinks for a very short moment before Momma answers.

"You weren't eating up all the cookies were you?" She frowns.

This wasn't answered because Baby-Child, gags only once before throwing up and Steve catching it all in his hands.

He runs to the sink, but the sight of seeing it puddle up in his hands makes me gag. Except for the difference between me and Baby-Child is that I am able to run to the bathroom before I vomit.

"Are you okay?!" Darry shouts.

"Yeah, I'm fine." My stomach doesn't even hurt, I just feel sick. I clean myself up before going back out.


Soda's POV:
Not even the slightest bit shocked, Pony sees throw up he throws up. He's always been that way.

He comes back in and I rock Bre-Bre, she doesn't look great, and she's decently pale, but it'll wear off. She's only sick cause she ate too many cookies, right?

She falls asleep in my arms pretty quickly.

We all just kinda chat for a moment, but then it gets late and Pony goes to his room, then Mom, then Darry. I take Bre-Bre and lay her on Pony's bed. That's where she usually sleeps.

We walked in my room and I closed the door.

We sit down on my bed and I smile at myself before I carry out my plan, "So tell me how you've been. I see you like everyday, but tell me still."

I lean down and slowly kiss his neck. He stops talking. "No-no, don't stop. I'm listening." I look at him while I give him hickies.

I continue to get him to talk while I touch him. I don't kiss his lips and I don't touch his member.

After a few minutes he has this very satisfied, goofy looking smile on his face, and he tells me ,"I have no clue what I was talking about?" He shakes his head slowly.

I laugh and kiss his lips. He lets out a quiet moan into my mouth. His face is pink.

"Why'd just decide to get me like this?" He asks.

"No real reason, you're just hot." I tell him.

I take his belt off, "this is okay, right?"

"It's all okay, hun." He tells me.

I pull forward his underwear and place my hand on his dick. He guides me with his hand giving me a pace to stroke.

He arches his back and he grins, "oh fuck~"

It's only a short matter of time before he cums on my fingers.

He throws his arms around me, "I love you so damn much."

The Konley Effect (summer) ~Johnnyboy/StevepopWhere stories live. Discover now