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Author note : Before we start this chapter was Inspired by a radioapple comic But most of the stuff was my idea <3

Warning : Abit of Adamasapple ( btw adam isn't Dead in my au he just got beaten In battle )

No one pov..

After a peaceful night of sleep, both Lucifer and Alastor wake up. The morning sun floods the room, filling it with warm light. Lucifer wakes up first, his face flushed and red with embarrassment after realizing he slept in the same bed as Alastor while cuddling. He quickly looks over towards the sleeping male to find him still asleep, the blush in his face continuing to blush as he realizes what happened during the night.

Lucifer gently gets out of Alastor's grasp, his face flushing brighter as he realizes how intimate their positions had been while they slept. He tries to keep his composure and calmly leaves the bed, hoping to preserve some of his dignity after this unexpected Cuddle .

Lucifer rushes out from the bed, his face still blushing with embarrassment. He quickly rushes towards the door in an attempt to escape the awkward situation he has found himself in. As he tries to unlock the door, however, he finds that it refuses to budge.

Lucifer keeps trying to unlock the door and the sound of his efforts manage to wake up Alastor. Alastor sits up in bed, groggily rubbing his eyes as he realizes he's not alone in his room. He looks over towards the door and sees Lucifer frantically trying to unlock it, which prompts him to ask, "What are you doing?"

Lucifer stammers and replies, "Oh umm I'm uhh doing nothing." He continues to frantically fumble with the door in an attempt to open it, still blushing heavily from the intimate encounter they had the night before. Alastor watches him for a few moments with a suspicious expression on his face, wondering why Lucifer would be desperate to leave.

As Alastor gets up from their shared bed, Lucifer becomes even more anxious. He starts fumbling with the door even more frantically, desperate to leave the room as quickly as possible. Alastor walks over slowly towards Lucifer, his movement slow and deliberate. He stops in front of the male and his eyebrow raising in mild disapproval.

Alastor crosses his arms and looks at Lucifer with mild disapproval, a hint of disapproval in his voice as he says, "Tsk, tsk, tsk." Lucifer quickly glances down, feeling quite embarrassed by his actions.

With a sudden movement, Alastor sweeps Lucifer off his feet, effortlessly picking him up and carrying him over his shoulder. Lucifer lets out a slight yelp of surprise at being lifted so suddenly, feeling both embarrassed and flustered by the gesture.

Alastor sits Lucifer down on the bed, letting him down gently. He walks over to his wardrobe and starts rummaging through his clothes, looking for something appropriate for Lucifer to wear.

He eventually finds a simple outfit that he thinks would be suitable, holding it up for Lucifer's approval
Lucifer examines the outfit with Excitement, commenting on its theme. "I love the outfit, but why is it beach-themed?" He asks. His tone is friendly and curious.

Alastor explains, "Because Charlie is planning to go with the hotel to the beach SO I bought this for you." He says this with a friendly tone, not making it seem like an expectation or obligation but a genuine gesture of goodwill and care.

Lucifer's finger snaps, causing the outfit to instantly appear on him. The soft, light fabric instantly fits comfortably around his body, the beach theme making him look even more handsome than usual. Thanks to Alastor's thoughtful gesture, Lucifer is now perfectly attired for the beach trip.

Alastor mutters to himself, "He looks cute... I mean-UGLY!" he adds quickly. Despite the fact that he can't hide his admiration at how good Lucifer looks in the outfit, he quickly adds the insult to disguise his feelings.

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