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Lucifer pov :

Lucifer wakes up and finds that Alastor is still in bed. He feels a bit surprised since he thought the demon had left. Despite the fatigue and tiredness, the sight of Alastor is a comforting one, sending a wave of warmth throughout his body. He slowly takes in the room, noticing that it's still dark and quiet.

Lucifer slowly gets out of Alastor's grasp, careful not to wake him up. It's a soft and gentle gesture, showing his concern and affection for the sleeping demon. Alastor still remains asleep, and his grip on Lucifer is now loose enough for him to squeeze out. The demon doesn't want to wake him up just yet, so he slowly and quietly moves away, making sure not to cause any noise or disruption.

Lucifer manages to carefully and subtly get out of the bed, but when he steps on the ground, he slips and falls down due to the residue of their activities. He lands harshly on the ground, feeling embarrassed and a bit silly due to this unexpected slip up.

Lucifer falls down and now has to crawl away on the floor. The whole situation is pretty funny and a bit embarrassing. He has to crawl out of the room since he can't walk anymore.

Lucifer quickly rushes into his own room, eager to get some privacy and peace. He slams the door behind him, letting out a relieved sigh. His body is exhausted and sore, and he just wants some space to rest and recover. The privacy of the room provides a feeling of comfort and relief, and he enjoys being able to rest in silence.

No one pov :

Lucifer receives a text message from his daughter, Charlie, asking him to join her for some fun activities at the hotel in the afternoon. The text message is a pleasant surprise, and Lucifer feels a bit better instantly. It's a nice distraction from his exhaustion and tiredness, and he's looking forward to spending time with his daughter. He responds to the text message, agreeing to join her for the activities in the afternoon.

Alastor pov :

I slowly wake up and yawn, still feeling a bit tired from the previous night's activities. I look around the room and notice that Lucifer is no longer here, which makes me feel a little bit disappointed and a bit suspicious. I wonder where he has gone. I have this feeling that he might have gone to his room without telling me, and it leaves me feeling a bit worried.

I head over to my full-length mirror and study my appearance with a critical eye. The crisp suit feels nice and sharp against my skin, and the tie adds a touch of elegance to the whole outfit. I'm satisfied with my look, and I'm looking forward to starting the day with this classic look. I then head out of the room, ready to tackle the day with confidence and style like I always do!

I think to myself "But first I need to find out where did my Lucifer go?" It's clear that I'm worried and anxious about losing track of the slippery demon. I head to the bedroom to investigate. I check every corner and look under the bed but can't find him anywhere. I start feeling a bit worried and restless, wondering where he could have gone.

I head out of the room, filled with curiosity and determination. I'm on a mission to find Lucifer and figure out where he went. As I walk down the hallway, I'm scanning the room for any signs or hint of where he might have gone. I feel a bit anxious and impatient, but my curiosity is growing with each passing second. Nothing will stop me in my quest to find him.

I have been walking around the hotel, looking like a madman looking for my  Lucifer. My desperation and frenzy are growing with each passing second, as I frantically search for any sign or hint of where he might have gone. I'm getting anxious and impatient, and my anger is growing with each passing second. I feel like the whole world is against me and can't find my beloved partner, who has disappeared without a trace. I can feel myself starting to lose my mind and becoming very agitated.

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