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AUTHOR NOTE : Sorry For not updating this book as much as I do to the others so now you guys will be fed <3

No one pov :

It is a beautiful morning, and Lucifer wakes up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. He stretches his arms and yawns, feeling the warmth of Alastor's body next to him.

Lucifer looks at Alastor, who is still sleeping peacefully. He smiles and brushes a strand of hair from the angel's face, feeling grateful for his presence.

Alastor wakes up with smile on his face like always.

Alastor chuckles and nuzzles his face into Lucifer's neck, inhaling his scent. "But I don't want to leave this warm and cozy spot just yet," he says, still holding onto Lucifer tightly. "Maybe we can have a little snack here first,"

Lucifer laughs and uses his powers to create a toffee made of demon meat. He hands it to Alastor, who grins and takes a bite, savoring the taste. "Mmm, delicious," he says, licking his lips.

Lucifer looks at Alastor and furrows his eyebrows, feeling a little worried. "I don't know how Charlie would react if she found out about us," he says, biting his lip.

Alastor kisses Lucifer tenderly, trying to comfort him. "We will figure it out together," he says, softly stroking Lucifer's cheek. "I don't want you to worry too much about it.

Alastor still sees the worry in Lucifer's eyes and starts massaging his shoulders. "You shouldn't worry, my love," he says, trying to soothe him. "Plus, you need to take care of yourself and the baby. stress can lead to a miscarriage,"

Alastor continues to massage Lucifer's shoulders, feeling happy as he sees him starting to relax. "Feeling better?"

Alastor smiles and leans in to kiss Lucifer's forehead. "Good. I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby," he says, gently running his hand through Lucifer's hair. "

Alastor presses his lips against Lucifer's forehead, showing his affection for the other man. He then wraps his arms around Lucifer's waist, pulling him closer. "I will always take care of you and our little fawn.

Alastor scoops Lucifer up into his arms, holding him close against his chest as he carries him to the bathroom. Once inside, he sets him down gently on the counter by the sink. "Let's get you cleaned up for the day," he says, giving Lucifer his usual smile.

Alastor wets a warm washcloth and begins to gently wash Lucifer's face. He carefully avoids the sensitive areas, knowing how gentle he needs to be. "There you go, ," he says softly, drying Lucifer's face with a towel before tossing it aside.

( what you want me to do give a whole description on how he brushed his teeth- )

Alastor takes the toothbrush from Lucifer and sets it aside, before turning on the faucet and rinsing out his mouth. He then takes a clean towel, drying his mouth before giving him a gentle kiss. "Better?"

Lucifer nods but he demanded alastor to brush his own teeth

Alastor chuckles lightly, taking his toothbrush fand squirting toothpaste onto it. "As you wish, love," he says, before beginning to brush his own teeth. He is careful and gentle, giving extra attention to his back teeth. "All done,"

Lucifer trys to get up but he fails miserably.

"Lucifer, wait," Alastor says, reaching out to stop him. "You're still weak, don't push yourself. Let me help you." He then carefully lifts Lucifer in his arms and carries him back to the living room.

Alastor sits on the couch, cradling Lucifer in his lap. "Is there anything you need, love?" He asks, gently brushing the hair out of Lucifer's face.

"I'm craving Chicken with a side of vegetable juice like carrots " Says lucifer.

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