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No one pov :

Lucifer wakes up only to realize that he's in bed all alone. There's no sign of Alastor, and he begins to wonder where he has gone. His mind goes to the worst-case scenario, imagining that maybe Alastor has left him entirely. The doubt and worry take over his thoughts as he begins to question his actions and the night before.

Lucifer begins to worry, but he realizes that he can't get up due to his exhaustion from the intense love session the night before. He remembers how intense and steamy it was, how it left him completely drained and exhausted. He is glad to find himself in the comfort of the bed, but his mind still can't stop worrying about Alastor's absence.

Lucifer smells something in the air, and he can't quite put his finger on what the scent is but it's definitely a comforting and appetizing smell. He tries to think of the right word to describe it, but it escapes him. He starts thinking it might be cooking, the delicious smell of morning breakfast. But he's not sure, and he can't help but feel his stomach rumble in anticipation of the meal.

Alastor opens the door and places the food next to Lucifer, taking note of his exhausted and fatigued state. The gesture is thoughtful and considerate, and it shows his caring and tender side. Alastor wants to make sure Lucifer can eat his breakfast comfortably and in peace, and he is thoughtful enough to bring the meal to him instead of making him go out of bed and walk all the way to the kitchen. ( not like he can)

The delicious meal sits next to him, a delicious breakfast of pancakes . It's exactly what Lucifer needs in this moment, and he's grateful that Alastor brought it to him. The scent of the meal is alluring, and his stomach rumbles with excitement at the thought of digging into the delicious breakfast.

After Lucifer has finished his delicious breakfast, Alastor walks in the room and sees the exhausted demon finished eating. Instead of letting him climb back into bed and rest, Alastor decides to play a bit with him by picking him up and holding him in his arms. The act is both playful and affectionate, and Lucifer can't help but feel a bit annoyed and frustrated, but he can't resist a soft glow filling his chest and his blush deepening.

Lucifer is still feeling exhausted from the intense night and tired from waking up so early, plus he's still in a bit of a daze. Alastor picks him up to play, but this does not go over so well. Lucifer quickly responds by saying, "Al- l-Put me D-Down!" Alaston just chuckles at his frustrated response but does not put him down. He's holding him tightly in his strong arms, enjoying his frustration and teasing the demon.

After picking Lucifer up for some playful affection, Alastor walks into the dressing room, still holding Lucifer. The demon is still feeling a bit annoyed and frustrated, but Alastor is not letting a little grumpy response stop his fun. He carries Lucifer into the dressing room with him, wanting to continue their playful moment.

Alastor sets Lucifer on a stool chair, letting the tired demon sit comfortably while he continues to tease him. Lucifer is happy to sit down, but he's still feeling a bit grumpy and frustrated at being picked up. Alastor can't help but giggle at his grumpy expression and at how he is not letting him go at all. It's a cute and playful moment between them, and it's clear that Alastor is not ready to allow the demon to get off him just yet.

Alastor starts removing the hoodie that Lucifer had been wearing, taking a slow and playful approach to it. He takes his time to unzip the zipper, slowly revealing Lucifer's body underneath. He takes his time to remove the hoodie, letting the sensation of his touches linger for a bit long. His gentle and playful teasing is making its effect on Lucifer, who feels his cheeks heating up.

Lucifer shows his flirtatious side as he asks Alastor not to remove it, letting him know he's only wearing an oversized hoodie underneath. The teasing response is enough to send a flutter through Alastor's chest, and he immediately stops removing the hoodie. He smiles at Lucifer's words, finding it pretty cute and a bit enticing for the demon to not only wear an oversized hoodie but also to flirt with him in a way.

Alastor smirks and ripps off the hoodie makeing The demon's body is completely exposed to him now, and Lucifer is completely helpless in the position he's in. Alastor can't help feeling a bit more mischievous and playful, especially considering that he's touching Lucifer in such a vulnerable state. He can't help but continue to tempt and tease the demon, now that he's completely exposed.

Upon seeing that Lucifer is not wearing anything under the hoodie, Alastor laughs and decides to give him an appropriate alternative. He grabs a duck Pj Shirt which has long sleeves, a cute duck pattern, and is made from soft and comfy material. He also grabs a pair of very short shorts which are black, providing a very cute and playful fit for Lucifer.

Alastor grabs Lucifer and carries him, feeling excited and playful. The demon’s soft and squishy body feels so good in his arms, and the sensation of having Lucifer so close is making Alastor’s heart race. He can’t help but feel a bit flirtatious, wanting to hold him even closer.

Alastor carries Lucifer slowly to the bed, bringing him to the comfort of the room once again. The warmth and softness of the bed is welcoming, and the demon's body feels soft and tender in his arms. He lays him down gently onto the bed, and he begins to cuddle with him, feeling an urge to keep him close to him.

They share a gentle and soft kiss, their bodies pressed against each other. The intimacy and affection between them is growing deeper and deeper, and the kiss reflects that. They are both content and satisfied, their lips and bodies intertwined. Alastor can't help but return the kiss with his own soft and tender kiss, enjoying every moment of it.

the two fall into a peaceful and satisfied sleep. Their bodies are intertwined as they rest and sleep. They are wrapped around each other, feeling safe, secure, and comfortable with each other. It's the perfect end to a special night, one that has brought them closer together and made them even more passionate towards one another.

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