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No one pov :

Lucifer and Alastor have just woken up after their nap. They're still laying in bed together, snuggling and enjoying the closeness of each other's presence. The demon and the angel are now both awake, and their focus is back on the present. They're enjoying the calm and relaxing morning after their intense session the night before.

Lucifer suddenly feels a wave of nausea wash over him. His stomach feels queasy and unsettled, and he is feeling the urge to vomit. He sits up slowly in bed and places his hand on his stomach, trying to regain his bearings and fight the urge.

Alastor sees that Lucifer has suddenly become nauseous and that he is trying to fight the urge to vomit. The demon is immediately concerned for his partner and his health. He gets up slowly and goes over to him, asking "Are you okay? Do you feel sick?"

Lucifer is clearly not feeling well and is asking to be taken to the bathroom now. He is shaky and desperate, and his voice is full of urgency and fear. Alastor is worried as well and quickly reacts to Lucifer's request. He gets up quickly and takes the demon's hand, leading him out of bed and towards the bathroom

Lucifer gets to the bathroom and rushes in, locking the door behind him. The demon has a sudden urge to vomit and there are sounds of him doing so. Alastor is standing outside of the bathroom, worried and unable to do anything. He can hear the sounds of Lucifer vomiting and is starting to become uneasy and concerned.

The sounds of Lucifer's vomiting have stopped. There are only the quiet sounds of his heavy breathing in the bathroom. Alastor is still standing outside, listening carefully and with concern. He is waiting to see if Lucifer is okay and if he needs any help.

Lucifer asks Alastor to get his emergency box of medicine, but in reality it is not medication But rather a pregnancy test. The demon is waiting for his angel to bring it to him, thinking it is medicine. Alastor is unaware of the real reason for Lucifer's request and will have to deal with the repercussions later. He proceeds to grab the "emergency box of medicine" from its hiding place.

Once Alastor has handed Lucifer the special box, the demon quickly rushes back to the bathroom. He immediately closes the door behind him and locks it, wanting to have some privacy to perform the test. He is quite anxious about the result, and he wants to know asap to prepare himself for what is to come.

Lucifer closes the door and starts the test, nervously waiting for the results. He stares at the test as the minutes pass, the anticipation building inside of him. To his shock and disbelief, the test is positive, indicating that he is pregnant. His body is flooded with a rush of emotions and he is overwhelmed with disbelief and fear.

Lucifer begins to breathe heavily, shocked by the positive result. His mind is buzzing with a slew of emotions and thoughts, most of which are unpleasant and worrying. He feels his heart start to pound rapidly in his chest and he feels a wave of panic and anxiety wash over him. He is struggling to remain calm and composed as the realization sinks in.

Lucifer starts to think back to the heat of the moment and realize that he should have insisted to use protection. He regrets the decision because of the consequences it has now brought, especially since he was not very careful about it.

Lucifer is sitting down with his eyes looking panicked and he holds something. Alastor opens the door and sees him in this state. He is taken aback by Lucifer's expression and concerned about what is going on. He walks towards Lucifer and asks "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Lucifer looks worried and sadly, and there is a mix of emotions on his face. He shows the pregnancy test to Alastor and the demon  is immediately taken aback. He is shocked and concerned after seeing the positive indication, and he immediately understands what it means. Alastor immediately rushes over to Lucifer and asks "Is it positive?!"

Lucifer confirms that the test is indeed positive and he doesn't look at Alastor. He is feeling overwhelmed and shocked by the surprise result, and he is not ready to face the reality of it. He doesn't have the courage to meet Alastor's eyes, fearing what his reaction will be. It's a distressing and painful moment, and the two partners are left to sit in the shock and contemplation of the surprise result.

This sudden turn from concern to happiness catches Lucifer off guard. He is still feeling shocked and overwhelmed by the positive result, and he is not expecting such a drastically different reaction from Alastor. The demon's  eyes are filled with happiness and a warm expression of joy, but Lucifer is unsure of why he is not mad or upset by the news.

Alastor gently holds Lucifer's chin and lifts his head, forcing the fallen angel to look up at him. They make eye contact for a moment, and the demon is filled with a warm smile and a kind of happiness that Lucifer did not expect. Alastor is giving him his full attention and expressing his love for him, without showing any signs of anger or disappointment.

Alastor is overjoyed by the realization that they are going to be parents. He expresses his enthusiasm and excitement at the news, telling Lucifer that they're going to be parents to this child. Lucifer is somewhat stunned by the sudden turn of events and the enthusiasm, but he is also starting to slowly warm up to the idea and is beginning to feel better by the idea but still confused.

Lucifer is overwhelmed by the reality of being pregnant with Alastor's child, and he expresses his anxiety and concerns about it. He expresses his fears and worries about the public's reaction, and he is also somewhat feeling guilt at the thought of hiding this from his daughter Charlie. He is starting to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to handle the situation, and he is overwhelmed by the sudden change in his life.

Alastor expresses his determination and support, reassuring Lucifer that they can overcome all challenges and make this work. He is giving him a glimpse of hope and positivity, which Lucifer really needs at this moment. He is feeling overwhelmed by the sudden change and the guilt he is feeling about hiding his relationship from his daughter, but Alastor's words are like a beacon of light and comfort to him.

Lucifer is now starting to think about the next steps, about how to tell Charlie. The reality of the situation has been setting in, and he is realizing that this will affect many aspects of their lives. He is especially worried about how his daughter will react to the news, and he is not looking forward to having that conversation.

Alastor offers a suggestion to ease Lucifer's worries and stress about telling Charlie the news. He suggests that Lucifer takes some time to become more comfortable with the situation and take it in before he talks to his daughter. The angel understands that it will be a difficult conversation for Lucifer and is trying to help him feel more at ease with the situation and give him time to process the news and the changes it brings before he involves his daughter.

Lucifer cannot help but smile at Alastor's helpful suggestion. He is relieved to know that he can take time to process the news and that he does not need to rush into telling his daughter about it right away. He also appreciates the angel's understanding and support. This small gesture of kindness means a lot to Lucifer, especially at this difficult and emotional time.

Lucifer is overwhelmed by emotions, and he wraps his arms around Alastor, holding him tightly as he is feeling relieved, appreciative, and touched by the angel's kindness. The two partners are sharing a quiet and intimate moment, holding each other closely and expressing their gratitude and affection. There is no more fear or anxiety, and the two partners are finally able to relax and be more at ease with each other.

Lucifer and Alastor share a light and happy moment, giggling and laughing together. They are cuddled up together and feeling comforted and relaxed after their conversation. At this moment, there are no more worries or fears, and the two partners are just enjoying being together and each other's company. They fall asleep in each other's arms, content and cozy and feeling loved and supported.

Author : hope you enjoyed

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