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No one pov :

As the morning sun starts to peek through the curtains, Alastor begins to stir. He looks down at Lucifer, who is still fast asleep in his arms, and smiles tenderly.

Lucifer slowly blinks open his eyes, yawning widely as he stretches in Alastor's arms. He rubs the sleep from his eyes, looking up at Alastor with a sleepy, adorable grin. "Mornin'," he murmurs, his voice still husky with sleep.

"Morning, Lucifer," Alastor murmurs, smiling at Lucifer with warmth in his eyes. He presses a gentle kiss to his forehead before pulling away. "I'm gonna make breakfast. You staying in bed?"

Lucifer just nods, snuggling back into the warmth of the covers. "Yeah, I think I'll stay here a bit longer," he admits, his voice still sleep-laden. He reaches out, grasping Alastor's hand in his own and giving it a gentle squeeze.

Alastor chuckles as he heads out to the kitchen, tossing back a playful quip over his shoulder. "Staying in bed all day? You're going to turn into a lazy louse if you keep this up."

Lucifer groans, rolling over and pulling the covers up over his head. "Hey, I heard that!" he calls out, muffled by the blankets.

Alastor can't help but chuckle as he begins to cook breakfast. He knows that Lucifer isn't really upset, and it's all just a playful part of their relationship. "Oh boohoo,"

Lucifer pokes his head out from under the covers, glaring at Alastor through one sleepy eye. "Asshole," he mutters, but there's no real heat behind it. He settles back into bed, pulling the blankets back up to his chin.

Alastor returns a few minutes later, carrying a tray laden with scrambled eggs, toast, and a steaming cup of coffee. He sets it down on the bedside table before climbing in beside Lucifer, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him close. "Breakfast is served,"

Lucifer smiles, sitting up enough to grab his fork and dig into the food. He lets out a satisfied moan at the first bite, closing his eyes in appreciation. "Mmm, this is delicious," he says, giving Alastor's thigh a grateful squeeze. "

Alastor laughs as he swats at Lucifer's hand, trying to kickstart the playful banter between them. "You're too easy," he taunts, a grin on his face. He knows that Lucifer is just teasing him, and he loves it.

Once Lucifer has finished his meal, Alastor carefully takes the dishes from the bedside table, giving Lucifer's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Clean up time," he says with a playful smile, before heading out to the kitchen to load the dishes into the dishwasher.

Lucifer exclaims " hey I ain't a kid where you just say clean up time"

Alastor chuckles from the kitchen, shaking his head at Lucifer's ant act. "Oh, you act like I don't treat you like an adult, Lucifer. I let you stay up past your bedtime," he says with a smirk, before adding, "

"hey!" Lucifer said with embarrassed tone

"Hey what?" Alastor calls back from the kitchen, a note of amusement in his voice. "You know you love it when I spoil you a little in a way." He rinses the dishes and loads them into the dishwasher, humming a tune as he works.

Lucifer huffs and tosses the covers aside, stalking into the kitchen to stand behind Alastor. "Spoil me? I'll show you what spoiling me looks like," he says with a mischievous glint in his eye as he wraps his arms around Alastor's waist from behind.

Alastor laughs, leaning back against Lucifer's chest as he closes the dishwasher door and starts the cycle. "Oh, you love me really," he teases, wiggling his hips lightly against Lucifer's groin.

Lucifer's face contorts in a mix of annoyance and sudden craving, his eyes darting around the kitchen for inspiration. "Damn it," he mutters, before glancing back at Alastor with a sly smirk. "I could go for some... sweet and sour.

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