Conversation between two individuals

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"How was California?" Charmaine asked.

Jason and Charmaine are both sitting at a booth at Chubbies waiting for their order.

"California was good, people there were nice, kinda stuck up, I missed Philadelphia though." Jason answered.

"What'd you miss about Philadelphia?" Charmaine asked.

"Well, my friends, the people here, the familiarity, and you." Jason said and touched her hand across the table.

Charmaine smiled a bit.

"So how's Eric?" Jason asked retracting his hand back to his side.

"He's good, he has been told by his dad that he can't talk to any girls until his grades go up." Charmaine explained.

"Oh that must be a nightmare for him." Jason laughed.

"He misses his best friend though. I saw him earlier today and I took him to the place you used to get your hair done, his hair was horrible. I work there now by the way." Charmaine said.

"Oh that's amazing Charmaine. Now I have to start going there again since, well, who else is better with hair than the queen herself." Jason joked.

"That's what i'm saying!" Charmaine said.

"Wait if Eric isn't allowed to talk to girls, how were you able to?" Jason asked.

"His dad allowed it." Charmaine answered.

Jason hummed and quirked up his eyebrow a bit while doing so.

"Have you had any girlfriends while you were in California?" Charmaine asked.

"No I hadn't had any." Jason answered.

"Friends I had there tried to set me up with some girls but I couldn't find myself to do it." Jason said.

"I can't believe you flew all the way across the country again." Charmaine said.

Jason just laughed.

"Yeah yeah I did. That seems crazy now that I think about it." Jason said.

"A tad bit." Charmaine said.

"Are you still friends with Harley Keiner?" Jason asked.

"Yeah kinda, I actually made a new friend her names Mariah." Charmaine said.

"Yeah tell me about her." Jason said.

"She's pretty, she has brown curly hair, has hazel eyes, her style is pretty similar to mine, she's nice and funny, and easy going, I think you'll like her." Charmaine said.

"You think so?" Jason said.

Charmaine hummed in response.

Jason tapped his foot nervously.

"Are you okay?" Charmaine asked.

"Did you tell Mariah about me?" Jason asked dismissing her previous query.

"Yeah why?" Charmaine asked.

"I don't think she'll like me." Jason said.

"Hm." Charmaine hummed.

Charmaine thought for a moment.

"Jason?" Charmaine said.

"Yeah?" Jason said.

"What's my favorite color?" Charmaine asked.

"I don't know Charmaine. Blue?" Jason answered.

"What's my favorite movie?" Charmaine asked.

"Uh I don't know." Jason answered.

"What's my favorite food?" Charmaine asked.

"Charmaine why are you asking me all this?" Jason asked.

"I just wanted to test out a theory." Charmaine answered.

"And?" Jason asked.

"Still testing it." Charmaine said and paused for a moment.

"What do you like about me?" Charmaine asked.

"I mean what's there not to like about you. Your hair, your smile, your eyes, you're beautiful!" Jason answered.

Charmaine looked at Jason in the eye and looked down for a moment and looked back at him.

"What else?" Charmaine asked.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

"Is beauty all that matters to you?" Charmaine asked.

Jason and Charmaine both sat in silence for a
moment looking at each other.

A sudden shift has happened between the two individuals having a conversation.

With them now finally realizing everything has suddenly changed.

Authors note:

Filler chapter :P Sorry for the late updatesssssssssss

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