The Grand Galactic Contention (SW:TCW x Fortnite)

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Inspired by BattleDroid1106

All Rights reserved to all respective owners and artists who I have used their art for this.

A long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away..

(Cue Video Above and stop at 1:23)

A decade had slipped away since the Trade Federation's audacious bid to coerce the planet Naboo into submission through the blunt instrument of treaty. In the intervening years, the stalwart Jedi Knights, guardians of the Republic, had labored tirelessly to preserve the fragile peace. Yet, despite their unwavering efforts, the tendrils of dissent were inexorably spreading, entangling other planetary systems in the dangerous allure of secession.

The once unified Republic now found itself teetering on the precipice of division as murmurs of discontent echoed across the galaxy. Planets emboldened by Naboo's resistance began to harbor ambitions of autonomy, their loyalty to the Republic wavering in the face of political turbulence and uncertainty. The Jedi, custodians of peace and guardians of order, found themselves stretched thin, their resources strained as they sought to contain the burgeoning unrest.

Amidst the gathering storm, whispers of separatism from the main governing body grew louder, fanning the flames of dissent into a raging inferno threatening to engulf the galaxy. The Republic, once a beacon of unity and cooperation, now found itself besieged by internal strife and external threats. With each passing day, the fabric of the Republic frayed further, its once unassailable foundations weakened by the specter of division.

In the corridors of power, voices clamored for decisive action, while others urged caution and diplomacy. Caught in the crosscurrents of political intrigue and machination, the Jedi found themselves grappling with the weight of history as they sought to navigate the treacherous waters of galactic politics. Yet, even as the Republic stood on the brink of fracture, a glimmer of hope remained, a beacon of light in the gathering darkness.

For despite the looming shadows of uncertainty and discord, the Jedi remained steadfast in their commitment to uphold the principles of justice and harmony. With unwavering resolve, they stood as guardians of the Republic. Unbeknownst to even the Jedi Order, a single Clone undergoes different training which will change combat for all other Clones for the years to come..

>> 30 BBY / 💧 Kamino 💧  / 🌊 Tipoca City 🌊 << 

Awaking my eyes within what seemed to be a test tube of some sorts. I don't seem to remember anything, not to it's entirety. My limbs felt and looked short and stumpy, while being in a suspended animation almost as if I were floating. My memories of my past life was nullified. Barely, being able to recall those who've been my trusted friends and especially since that fateful day in the park.

I've began to intake my surroundings,  seeing millions of other tubes like the one's that have contained myself in. The most oddity of all of this were those creatures, in which they possess tall, slender builds, elongated necks, and large, hairless heads. Skin being pale and smooth, ranging from a bluish-gray to a whitish hue from what you've seen. Their faces are dominated by large, almond-shaped black eyes, which convey an aura of intelligence and serenity. They also lack visible noses, and their mouths are small and often obscured by a thin, lip-like structure.

It was oddly comforting. Almost as if they were caregivers, mothers, or even guardian angels to the nearest degree. Eventually, one of these giraffe-like creatures went to check on my pod.

Taun We: "Welcome little one. This is your first day, your designation shall be CT-2024." The creature peered closer into the tank which made you shudder. "We expect good things from you."

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