Yandere Simulator (1980) x Male Trainee Detective Reader

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-1988 || Akademi High School -

A detective. Often defined as a specialized law enforcement unit that is more suited for preservation and collection of physical evidence alongside the ideals of solving cases. It wasn't a glamorous job, nor was it ever meant to be, although that didn't prevent the younger generation from becoming more intuitive, eager, and flexible despite all odds.

Crimes became more sophisticated, cunning, and intellectual since the Second World War that had transpired three and a half decades ago. To believe that your average posing citizen could be a vile, gruesome serial killer under their mask of innocence would be a long shot. Everyone holds a secret that they hold dearly to avoid the brusqueness of others.

Coming from my own words? Everyone is a suspect, you cannot be too trusting. Releasing too much empathy is considered an insult or an offensive attack. You cannot be too isolated either, it would show that you are incapable of creating social connections that will help you thrive. Forever alone and never free.

People will commit any crime that satiates their thirst for bloodlust. However, there are more personal reasons that can influence a murder. Revenge, Money, and even Jealousy. But, for Love? That's ridiculous. No one's crazy enough for that.

Taking a blunt from my cigar, hat tipped down which covered my eyes. When releasing a plume of smoke through my lips and out of my mouth would be my fabled apprentice, Sonoko Sakanoue.

Sonoko waved her hand that had contained a folder with many files. Fanning fruitlessly against the smoke cloud that had enveloped around her in an attempt to push it out of her line of sight. "Smoking is bad for your lungs. You should refrain from such activity."

"And why should I?" I responded with a smile. "Are you going to stop me?"

Sonoko: "Yes." She lifted up her camera and a bright flash enveloped towards my eyes and possibly scorned my retinas, only temporarily dazing me. She then snatched the Cigar from my hand, dropping it to the floor before stomping on it. Annoyed, I said, "Do that again, I dare you." I somewhat scowled.

Sonoko only sighed. "If it means anything in my power to keep you from suffering a slow, and painful death then I will do that." Her purple hair contrasted her ruby eyes, giving off a blank stare. "High Command has announced that a new batch of recruits will be entering the ranks."

"What do I look like? A surrogate father?"

Sonoko: "Possibly. If your training for me had went so well, I don't seen the harm of obtaining another apprentice."

"That's if they even become my apprentice at all." I responded. Sonoko placed the folder on her superior's desk before she took a seat for herself. The ace detective seemed perplexed at the folder in front of him. "Thought you'd be interested in seeing them at least. Perhaps, something good will be a keen of interest to you."

I scoffed, "Anything keen of interest to me would be a raise." Begrudgingly, opening the folder my eyes scanned from one file to another. The trainees seemed fairly young, reaching their late teens, roughly around the ages of seventeen to nineteen. As much as I hated to say it, but one of these documents caught my eye that day. "(Y/N) (L/N)?"

Sonoko: "Interested?"

"Not in the slightest." Scanning the document again, he seemed fairly around the age as Sonoko had. "Apparently, he had been eligible for an internship with this detective apartment last year. He's sort of a happy-go-lucky sort of kid. The kicker is that he's actually from the States."

"Of course he's from the States. That kid has a death sentence." I scoffed once more, looking at the document again. "I bet he can't even speak Japanese."

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