The Invitation

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"How do I spend my Saturday nights? You answered, 'video games.'" Jeff looked up from the Dollar Valentine up at Clay with a Deadpan look.

Clay simply shrugged and fiddled with his hands. Well it was true.

Jeff sighed and shook his head before turning back to scan the rest of Clay's answers.

"Favorite kind of music, 'obscure indie bands.'

Favorite reading materials, 'fantasy and sci-fic'?" Jeff set down the phone. "Dude, why not just say you watch Lord of the Rings on repeat. "

"I don't do that." Clay spoke defensively. "Anymore."

"You used to do that?" Jeff shook his head. He had been kidding but clearly Clay was more of a lost cause than he thought. "We need to work on this, man. "

"No, we don't." Clay grumbled trying to grab his phone back but Jeff held it away.

"Listen, dude. I needed a "C" average or above to play baseball.  U.S. History was kicking my ass. And I got help, right? What about you, dude? How's your dating life? "C" average or above?" Jeff questioned his tutor.

Clay stopped fighting. He huffed and leaned back into his seat.

"Below." He admitted.

"So you need help." Jeff emphasised. "All these answers..." he scrolled down looking as they became more disastrous, "suck."

Clay wouldn't say that. So he wasn't the conventional date. He wasn't like a lot of guys at Liberty. So what? Wasn't individuality a good thing?

Besides, he suspected there was another reason Jeff was suddenly being so fixated on his love life.

"Have you talked to Ari yet?" Clay asked trying to sound casual but he knew how much of a sensitive topic it was.

Jeff let out a huff as he continued scrolling on Clay's phone.

"Not yet. She's seriously still avoiding me." Jeff spoke clearly upset.

Clay had tried to talk to Ariel earlier about why she had been avoiding Jeff but that didn't go well.

Clay hated this.

Hated being put in the middle as his friends fought. It was uncomfortable and weird.

"I don't even get what happened. Winter formal was going great." Jeff spoke.

"Maybe it's a girl thing." Clay spoke trying to be helpful but knowing he really wasn't.

Jeff turned to look at Clay. "No. It's a Justin Foley thing."

Clay raised his brows. "What?"

Jeff hadn't told Clay exactly what had happened that night. Mostly because he hadn't completely understood it himself. But as he had time to think through it during the weekened with his girlfriend not talking to him. It became so much more clearer by the second.

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