Chapter 8

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2 weeks later

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2 weeks later

We have a off day today because there isn't much going on. I'm finishied with book two and nowhere was metioned how to turn water in ice. I layed down on my bed, it's not fun to read this kind of books. I let out a sigh.

„Whats wrong?" Shoko looked at me from the couch.
„I still have 10 more books to read. I don't want to"
„Just do it"
„Wow thanks for cheering me up"

I stood up and looked at my bookshelf for the third Book. Hm, I could swear I had put it in here.

„Shoko have you seen my Book"

I searched my whole room and couldn't find it.

„Maybe it's at Getos p lace, you took it with you the last time, don't you remember"

She is right it must be there, I took it with because we had a sleepover and I thought I could read. Ofcurse I didn't had time for that we were gaming the whole night.

„Let's go togethere" Shoko suggests.

We walked to Getos room. I hope Gojo isn't there, i'm avoiding him since two weeks. It's just weird, he is weird. Shoko opend Getos door and walked in, I walked after her. I scan the room to check if a someone with white hair is here, he isn't thank god.

„Hey girls" Geto waved at us and smiled.
„Hey" I smiled back.
Shoko walked to a opend window and start smoking.
„Geto, have you deen my book?" I asked him.
„Yeah, it's under my bed" he pointed at his bed.
„Have you seen Gojo, I have to talk to him" Geto asked.
„Nop" I was walking to his bed.


I'm on chapter three and finally found the chapter i need it.

The waterbender can change the water into ice, but this requires a clear mind and a concentrated breathing, it has to be breathed from the mouth. If your complete concentration is on the ice then you have to let the curse power flow through your fingertips. When you feel your blod becoming ice cold through your veins and your breathing creates a could of warm air, then you know that at that moment you can convert water into ice.

„I need to go" I took my book and run out of Getos room.
Geto was saying something to me but i'm just to focus to run to the lake.

After all that time I finally found it. My parents are going to be so proud of me. I need to learn it fast and start to read the other books I want to learn everything. I was running down the hallway and then ran in to someone. I lost my balance and was about to fell when the someone grabbed me on my arm. I looked at the hand and knew who it was, I would recognize his hand everywhere. Satoru Gojo. Nice, all the time I was avoiding him and now I ran into his arms. I looked up at him and he let go of me.

„Are you blind?" He said it annoyed.
I rolled my eyes „I don't have time for you"
I picked up my book that I dropped but Gojo was faster and picked it up befor me.
„What's that?" He held it with one hand and start to read it.
His hands are the sizes of the book. I raised a eyebrow at that sight.

„Give it back" I wanted to snacht my book back but he put his arm up and continue to read.
„Interesting I didn't know that waterbender could do all this things" he looked down at me.
I clenched my hands into fists and aimed at his stomache, ofcourse he got his limitless on.

He raised a eyebrow and smirked at my little attack.
„It's boring" he closed the book.
„Then give it back" I jumped to get the book but this giraffe is just to tall.
„It amused me to see how desperate you are" he smiled.
„Just give it back and Geto wanted to talk to you"
„What, why" his smile vanished.

Aha little white haired princesse doesn't like it when I mention Geto.

„He was looking for you" I held my hand out for my book.
„And why doesn't he call me and send you to me" he gave me the book.
„He didn't send me idiot, I was at his place and asked me if I have seen you"
He bends down so that we are at eye level. His facial expression was deadly serious.
„And why where you in his room"

I moved my face closer to his and..... smiled.
Both of his eyebrows flew up. I walked away.

When I was at the trainig ground, I sat in front of the lake and took a deep breath. Okay, the first thing is to concetrate my breath. I need to breath some minutes from my mouth. I inhale and exhale i'm doing this for some minutes. I'm looking at the lake and focus on the water.

I am doing this for a hour now and I still don't feel how my veins freeze. Urgh, why is it so hard. I let out a frustrating sigh and lay down on the grass. I close my eyes, what am I doing wrong, hmmm??

I open my eyes and see Gojo looking at me.
„What are you doing. Get your ass up"
I raise a eyebrow.
He looked away. „Sorry"

I stood up. „What is it Gojo?"
„We got a mission, let's go"


Gojo and I separat, he was looking in the building and I was looking outside the building. I already killed a Brunch of 4 grade curses, that wasn't that hard.

We were looking for one of Sukunas finger, where could it be???? I was getting attack at two curses at the same time maybe 3 grade curses. They were running towards me.

I put my hand down on the ground and then the water that was in the ground floated. I aimed at them and I catch them. I put them in a water vessel, they going to drown any minuten. I smile at my triumph but then I felt it, I got goosebumbs allover my body. I turn around to see a curse and I just feel it? this curse got one of Sukunas finger.

He was running no it was more like he teleport himself to me and try to hurt me with his hands, no, this aren't hands this are more like scissors? This curse must be atleast a 1 grade curse. When he tries to shred me I put on a water shild and jump backwards. I need to think, if I can kill this curse I could be upgraded to a 2 grade sorcer. I didn't had time to think when the curse was standing infront of me again. He aimed on my leg with his hands, I dodge to the side but he still got me. I saw how blood was running down my thigh, fuck this hurts. He is to fast I can't think. I have a Idea but if it doesn't work I probable die.

I close my eyes and breath from my mouth. I clear my mind and focus on one thing only. Water, water, water, ice, ice, ice, come on please god and then I feel it. My veins are starting to freeze and my breath is feeling cold. I concentrate my whole curse energy on my finger tips and then I open my eyes. I got all the water from my vessel on my back and pointed it at him. The curse looked confuse, he was running towards me, that's the perfect moment. I turn the water into icicle and they pierced through him. The curse fell dead on it's back. I was breathing hard I can't belive i did it.

I walked to the dead curse and saw on one of my icicle sukunas finger. I did it.

„GOJOOOOO" i smiled.

Hey guys, I hope you all liked this chapter, if you did pls vote ❤️
This is the last chapter were they are in 1 grade class in next chapter they will be in the 2 grade class. See you <3

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