Chapter 33

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"How the fuck did that jerk get in here!?" Jisung yells furiously while he and Woojin get out of the basement. Luckily, they could overpower Scoups easily, but it really pissed him off. Woojin only stares at Jisung with a scared look on his face and it takes ages before Aylen gets downstairs. When it stays silent and no one answers, Jisung changes his question.
"Someone had to help him, he couldn't have done it alone. So who was it?" Jisung asks, his blood boiling in anger. Woojin is starting to play with his fingers, it's a nervous tick he has. Aylen on the other hand is calm, oddly calm. 
"Woojin?" Jisung asks while his eyes are burning holes on the younger. Woojin looks up shocked and immediatly goes in defense.
"I swear I did not do it, Jisung. I was with you the whole time!" he squeaks like a little baby. Jisung  grunts annoyed, he hates this nervousness. 
"Just calm down, jeez", he snaps before he turns towards Aylen.
"And you?" A brief silence fills the room before Aylen boredly lifts up her head to look Jisung in the eye. 
"I don't know why you even ask. I'm not part of any of your stupid things, I only live here. So why would I even bother?" she asks on a calm, but cold tone that Jisung absolutely does not like. 
"First of all, you are involved in our plans. And besides, it's about Scoups. Seems like enough reason to bother", Jisung answers, gritting through his teeth. 
"And what if he entered the house by himself? Why are you instantly assuming he got help?" she asks challenging.
"Because Scoups is weak", Jisung spits out.
"He is not weak! I haven't seen anyone kick in a door like he did!" Aylen shouts furiously and Woojin gasps right after.
"So it was you!" he exclaims in disbelief and Jisung watches satisfied while Aylen's eyes widen in panic, but she soon fixes herself and looks Jisung dead in the eye.
"So what, I helped him! But honestly, I would rather help him than to help you two, you're like two psychopaths who lost their minds!" she spits out and Jisung's anger suddenly takes over. All he sees is i white blur in front of his eyes but he knows he's jumping on Aylen, throwing her to the ground. 
"You filthy traitor!" Jisung yells furious. Aylen wants to make a comment, but Jisung doesn't let her. In pure rage, he wraps his hands around her troath and starts to block her airway. He is absolutely done with her, all she does is get in the way and be obsessed with that stupid Scoups. But Jisung promised himself to murder Scoups and everyone he loved, maybe even everyone that loved him. So this is his job, it's not like he cared about Aylen anyway. He's better off without her, hell he's better off alone. No one would fuck up his plans or betray him, but since Woojin used to be a part of Stray kids, it's kind of Jisung's duty to keep him by his side. At least, that is probably what Chan wanted, that every member would keep looking out for each other. And since Chan is the only one who Jisung respects, he has to follow his wishes. In the meantime, Aylen is starting to turn purple and she's hitting Jisung's arms with her hands, trying to save herself. Her eyes are filled with agony, Jisung enjoys it. Woojin is staring at the scene in shock, Jisung knows the younger kind of liked Aylen. 
"Make yourself useful and give me a knife, then I can get the job done properly", Jisung demands him and Woojin hesitates before he moves and actually gets a knife. With shaking hands, Woojin hands him the shining object and Jisung snatches it out of Woojin's hands. Without thinking any further, he stabs the knife right into Aylen's chest. The girl widens her eyes terrified and Jisung lets go of her troath. Now she gargles blood and it doesn't take long before she starts to convulse and Jisung looks at her last battle amused. She totally deserved this. But right when Aylen's eyes get dull, Woojin screams in despair. Jisung rolls his eyes annoyed, Woojin is so weak! But then, Jisung hears banging on the door. 
"Shit, they're coming to rescue Scoups", Jisung mumbles and he runs to the drawer to grab his gun.
"How did they even find us!?" Woojin asks, the terror touches his voice.
"I don't know! But we have to fight them, kill them all", Jisung says, but Woojin stays in his place, frozen. The banging keeps on going and it won't take long before the door will collapse. 
"Come on and get your gun!" Jisung demands, but Woojin still doesn't move. 
"That's an order!" Jisung adds furiously. If Woojin doesn't move, Jisung will be nothing against them.
"But we can't win!" Woojin yells and Jisung grunts frustrated.
"You don't know that! We can't let Scoups get away again! We finally got him! We just need to take enough time for him to freeze to death!" Jisung yells back, of course he knows this might be his last hour alive. But Woojin shakes his head in denial.
"If you're smart, follow me", he mumbles before he runs off and escapes through the back. Jisung can't believe his eyes.
"Come back here, you coward! Fucking traitor!" he yells desperately, but there's nothing he can do now. Jisung forbids himself to run away, he has to finish his task. While he waits for the door to collapse, he prays that Scoups is frozen to death by now. Then, the door breaks and Jisung fires his gun, but he missed. The only thing he sees is a red-haired male before three guns answer and Jisung feels warm blood escaping his body. He has never felt so betrayed in his life.

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