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(Very sorry for the changes in the chapter. Just had to change the font of the spells)
(Translation)=(in parenthesis)

The ceremonies begin. Balloons fly and fireworks go off.  Dudley was in awe of what beautiful sight he is seeing from up top. So many people all around the stadium like a football stadium with many people wearing their respective jerseys to the game.

"This is it Dudley," Hesperia whispered in his ear with a huge smile.

"Come on up, take your seats. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for," Arthur said to his children with a smile.

"Come on!" George shouted excitedly.
"Look! It's the Irish!," Fred shouted matching his twin's excitement.
"There's Troy!," George shouted.
"And Mullet!," Fred yelled
"And here comes Moran!," George yelled.

Hesperia and her family all look behind to see five green and white figures fly through the air on their brooms leaving the colors of green and white trail behind them. Fred and George literally had to duck when one of the Irish players was almost close to the twins.

Hesperia gasp, "Look," she said pointing as Dudley looked up to the sky to see a glittering leprechaun appears in the sky and starts dancing. Everyone is excited as they chant 'Irish' 'Irish' 'Irish'.

"Oh! Here comes the Bulgarians!," George announced.

Then the five red figures went through the glittering leprechaun, one of them performed a stunt on his broom.

"Who's that?," Ginny asked, turning to her brothers Fred and George.

"That, sis, is the best seeker in the world," George answered.

One of them appears on the large screen. The crowd begins to chant 'Krum, Krum, Krum'.

"Krum!," the twins shouted with glee and excitement of the player waving to the crowd.

Then everyone settled down when it was time for the Minister of Britain, Cornelius Fudge placed his wand to his throat wordlessly casting a Sonorus spell.

"Good evening! As Minister for Magic. It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the game begin!," he announced as he cast a light out of his wand and the game started.

Everyone roared their cheer when they saw their side play. Whether it is Irish or the Bulgarians they all cheered.

Hesperia was very much paying attention to the game and saw both seekers in both teams searching for the snitch. It appears that the game was 99 to 90. The Irish are winning as for the Bulgarian were losing of 90 points.

Hesperia could see that Krum knew that if he caught the snitch him and his team would win the Quidditch World Cup, but still wanted to do it at his own pace.

"Hesperia, can you see the snitch?," Ron asked shouting. Dudley knew from Ron that Hesperia could see the snitch, but to think she could see from afar up here.

Hesperia is then seeing the snitch, "Yes!," she responded.

"Wicked!," Fred, George, Ron, Dudley, and Ginny shouted as they saw Hesperia looking in the direction that the snitch is moving.

"The snitch is right under Krum," Hesperia shouted.

Ron, Fred, George, Dudley, and Ginny were staring at her in awe and saw that Krum does not know the snitch is under him, until the snitch makes a move.

Then the snitch was in front of Krum. The golden snitch flies up and Krum follows it all the way to where Hesperia is at. The snitch then went inside Hesperia's hair. Dudley was trying to get it out only for the snitch to move sides. Hesperia laughs at the snitch's antics of staying in her hair.

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