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Viktor is pacing back and forth in his room on the Drumstrange ship. He was worried and angry for Hesperia and she can't seem to get a break. The flashback of Hesperia's pain in her eyes and voice keeps haunting him.

He wanted to her happy and with the tournament involving her in another life and death situation is not helping him. He loves her so much he wants to destroy the damn Goblet and whoever put her name in the Goblet.

Viktor remembers it had to do with DADA teacher, the ex-auror, Alastor Moody also known as Mad-Eye Moody. He remembers Hesperia talking about poly juice and how every year DADA teachers always cause her to be in danger.

Viktor left his room and the ship. He went straight to the DADA classroom and saw Moody. He cast a freezing spell on him and punch the man.

"You will show yourself and explain right now," Viktor growls.

"I know you  aren't Moody. I can smell the polyjuice potion on you," he added.

Viktor then put a binding spell and unfreeze Moody. He glared deeply into Mad-Eye's eyes. Mad-Eye flinches and his tongue flickers out.

"My name is Barty Crouch Jr. I was freed from being kissed by my father because he couldn't bear my mother's pain of me being killed. So he used a poly juice potion on a person to look like me so they could take my place. My bastard of a father placed an imperious curse on me, but I fought and fought in time to flee to my master. I found out Master wanted revenge on Dumbledore for ruining multiple families. One of them was the Potters.

The Potters are my master's only living family from the Peverell family. Hesperia Potter-Black is the first female Potter in history. The Potters lived their lives of having light to dark, to neutral, and grey magical core that the Gaunt family tried to follow their footsteps, but time kept changing and it caused some being squibs when marrying to each other instead of following what the Potters have done to keep their magic alive.

Everything changed when my Master was born. He is Lord Gaunt and Lord Slytherin, but because he didn't take his ring for Lord Slytherin he wanted revenge on Dumbledore for manipulating him and turn him to the wrong path of making Horcruxes. The Horcruxes were the main reason why he couldn't maintain the Lord Slytherin titles.

He learned from being in a baby form when he took the inheritance test, he saw that Hesperia Potter is his cousin. He wanted her to be free from Dumbledore's clutches, but she couldn't. The only way for her to be freed was through whatever she went through in Hogwarts for her to see Dumbledore's fake grandfatherly act. To make her see that everything about him is a lie whenever he pushes her with twisted sweet words.

Master needed her to be in the tournament so she could be out of Dumbledore's clutches. When I told him about you he said I quote, 'Have him protect her from Dumbledore. She deserves to be loved and happy. I took all of that away from her if I hadn't listened to Dumbledore's manipulation and going unstable none of the pain and these ridiculous planning of putting her life in danger would happen. You watch out for her and push their friends closer to protect her. Don't pail me Barty.'

That was all to it. Trust me, I don't like this more than you do. I need to get rid of my father first and try my best to get Dumbledore away from Hesperia and you all," Barty explained.

Viktor growls darkly at what Dumbledore has done and he left. He made his way to the Gryffindor dormitory. The woman in the portrait quickly opens her painting and Viktor saw Hesperia smiling with her family.

Hesperia noticed him right away and quickly made her way to him. Viktor brings her into her arms smelling her scent. She smelled of home as he remembers the Bulgarian Rose. The soft aroma around her made him smell honey, cinnamon, cloves, lemon peel, green leaves, and the hint of raspberry.

It was all in there. Her scent clams him and it is peaceful. He notice the noise he heard when he came in the common room was gone. He took a small peak from her shoulders and saw everyone looking at him with concern.

Viktor sat down between Ron and Hermione with Hesperia on his lap, and start explaining of what he learned from Barty Crouch Jr.

Everyone was speechless, they didn't know what to say and to hear everything from Viktor all made sense. They were devastated of what Dumbledore has done and wondered why. What was his goal to all of this to where he is trying to ruin families. They don't know how many families he has ruin and they didn't want to know.

Thinking about all of the families he must have ruined was sick to the stomach. It was sickening and disgusting. They have been trying not to kill Dumbledore quickly, but with this new information they won't be able to hide the fact they all despise him more to the core of the earth.

They want him gone and dead. That kind of person, no, not a person. Monster is more like it. Someone like that is nothing more, but a monster taking pleasure in the pain of others. They become manipulative and sickening of slowly ruining them with either just by words or worse, actions with sweet disgusting words.

Everyone was even more protective in each other of what Dumbledore has done and they all decided to sleep close together. The children from first to fourth couldn't sleep so the older ones help the best they could.

All slept the night and Viktor cuddled with Hesperia in the middle with everyone around them. He made sure to send a letter to his family and his friends to let him know of what he had learned. Everything has happen in one week and it was tiring for everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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