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Hesperia is sitting down at her desk in her room thinking what to write to Viktor. 'Maybe I should start with the Dursleys? No, I shouldn't. I have to take some time with this,' she thought.

Hesperia then writes a letter to Viktor slowly taking step by step to start their friendship. Hesperia turned to her loving friend who waited patiently for her.

"Here you go Hedwig, dear. Fly safety my lovely," she told her friend.

Hedwig coo and nibble her chick softly on her finger before flying to Viktor.

With Viktor:

Viktor was sitting in his room in a Motel in England, he was wondering what to write to Hesperia for a few weeks since the attack in the Quidditch World Cup had passed.

His thoughts were then interrupted by a very beautiful snowy owl.

Viktor took the letter from her after thanking her as he give her frozen mice. He opened the letter and smile softly.

Dear Viktor,

I hope this letter finds you on your way back to Bulgaria, Durmstrange. I am writing to you as I promised.

I know I would tell you about myself, but I couldn't because I need and want this to go slow. So I would like to have us play the game called '20 question.'

It is where I ask you a question and you answer. Once you answer it is your turn to ask me a question and I answer.

The game will help us get to know each other. I even wanted some great advice between seeker to seeker if you don't mind.

I would love to learn from you. Until then, I await your letter.

I'll be waiting for your response. Stay safe and stay healthy. May Mother Magic bless you and protect you.

Sincerely yours,
Hesperia Potter-Weasley-Prewett
Lady of Potter, Black, and Gyriffindor(And much more, just lazy to write them)
Heiress of Rosemary

P.S.: My little beauty's name is Hedwig.

When he got to the bottom of the page he was beyond shock.

Not only was she a fierce woman and fighter, she was also a Lady of three powerful Noble and Ancient Houses, and there is more.

'Truly amazing,' he thought. Viktor was in awe of this.

Viktor then writes on the parchment he had out to write his response. He turn to Hedwig and gave the letter to her.

Hedwig coo and left with the letter.

With Hesperia:

Hesperia was sitting reading a book on her bed and saw Hedwig with a response from Viktor.

"Thank you my beauty," Hedwig went to sleep for the night.

Hesperia smiles warmly at the letter.

Dear Hesperia,

Thank you for writing to me. Right now I'm in a Motel in England. It is okay for you to not tell me about your past, I'll wait for you when you are ready.

There is no need to rush. I hope my English writing is good.

I was struggling to not write in Bulgaria because you respect us for speaking to us in the mother land language, you respect of what happen during incident with my people and I along with the French, and you saved us.

So I wanted to do the same by writing in English and speaking in English. You have treated us the same and never judge us so quickly.

I would love to be able to ask you questions in a '20 question game.' Remember to take your time.

For advice on being a seeker isn't just about the game, but the freedom in the air, to dodge the other flyers, and being yourself.

I would also like to play against you in Quidditch even if there isn't a competition, just us.

I wait for your response tomorrow seeing how it is late. Sleep well my seeker.

Sincerely yours,
Viktor Krum
Heir Krum

Hesperia silently thanks Viktor for being willing to be patient until she is ready to tell her about her past. She quickly showered and slept for the night.

Arthur was going to get Hesperia to come eat her dinner to find her asleep with a letter next to her. He knows he shouldn't get into her privacy, but she is still his daughter.

So he went to read the letter and smiled softly at the letter.

'You truly are proving yourself very slowly Viktor Krum. I can't wait for what will happen next. You better treat my daughter right though,' he thought and placed the letter back and left the room.

The siblings could see the smile on their father's face getting the hint that he saw a letter that was probably from Viktor when they all saw Hedwig having a letter with the Krum stamp.

The smile is also letting them know that Krum truly is slowly proving himself.

'You better watch you back Viktor Krum because not only would you have a powerful, strong, brave, selfless, kind hearted, and smart young witch, you'll also get us too. So be very careful of your action and words,' they all thought with a evil smirk.

Far away from the Burrow, in the Motel in England, Viktor felt a shiver down his spine and sneezed.

'Is someone talking about me? Why do I have a feeling it is Hesp's siblings,' he wondered. He then turned off the lamp and closed his book so he could sleep.

With the Weasley-Perewett siblings:

"So it appears that Dad approves this," Ron spoke with his hand on his cheek sitting down on the couch chair.

Percy hum, "Yes, it appears that way. I think Dad's approval is that Viktor is slowly proving himself, but he still needs our approval," he said.

"That's right"
"-So he needs"
"-To prove to"
"Us too, we almost"
"Lost out little flower"
"Multiple times"
"We won't fail"
"In protecting her"
"This time," the twins muttered.

All of the siblings nodded, it was true. They almost lost Hesperia way too many times. They won't fail this time. They won't and if they did they will do everything to get rid of those who harmed it.

They don't care if they go to Azkaban for killing those who harmed their flower. Not only is she their flower, she is their leader, and queen. They will always be by her side.

'So you all better watch out, Albus Dumbledor, The Order, Ministry, Aurors, Darkside, Light side, Students, Lords, Ladies, because you'll be dealing with someone way worse than the 'Dark Lord,' they all thought.

The siblings smirk evilly at the thought. The idea of all those who try to go against their sister would only just meet their end. They all shared a joyful laugh that didn't exactly meet a good kind of joyful laugh.

Their parents who were right next store were really feeling pity for those who try to mess with their children especially if they try to go against their little flower.

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