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Hesperia sat down next to Hermione reading a book while Evans(Dudley) was carving wood into something. The students are placing their names into the flame and others are applauding, Cedric is one of them.

Some of them were excited and some were wary of the tournament. Hesperia shakes her head in disappointment that none of these children value their lives when doing this.

Then cheering was heard from around Hesperia and Hermione, they turned to the right, and saw Fred and George come with two vials in their hand. Evans(Dudley) chuckles with his head shaking at the Twins trying to do something dangerous again.

"Thank you, thank you, well lads we've done it," George said.

"Cooked it up this morning," Fred added.

Hesperia and Hermione shared a playful, and fond look.

"It's not going to work," Hermione sang teasingly.

George and Fred look at each other, and went to each side of Hermione with Hesperia in the middle with Hermione.

"Oh yeah? And why's that Granger," Fred asked.

"You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself," Hermione grumbles when she mention Dumbledore.

"So?," George asked.

Hesperia giggles at her siblings trying to give Hermione a headache when they try to either tease her or play with her smartness.

"Hesp," Hermione pouted.

"What Mione is trying to say, the age line spell is very advanced and powerful. This way the younger years aren't able to participate. I certainly don't want my loved ones to be in it. So be careful, you two. Age line spells are not to be tempered with," Hesperia explain softly.

Everyone around the room silenced to hear what Hesperia has to say about Fred and George's plan. Those who care about each other hold them together closely. Cedric smiles when he hears from Hesperia caring for her friends who have become her family. He is worry that something will happen this year.

Cedric has a feeling that what has happened to Hesperia for the past school years was hard on her. He feels the events that happen when the children gossip about it are true. He really hopes Hesperia gets a break. He could tell she doesn't want any of the fame and glory.

"Yes, sister," Fred and George spoke.

The twins kissed her head and went on the bent shaking the bottle. They jump inside the age line, and cheer. They put their names in the flame and do a high-five.

The flame fires up and they flung across the room onto the floor. When they get up they have full heads of grey hair and beards. Hesperia's breath hitched and made her way to her brothers with Hermione and Ron following behind her.

"You said," George said pointing at Fred.

"No you said," Fred said back.

Hesperia rolled her eyes at their antics and checks for any injuries. George and Fred smiled fondly at their sister fussing over them. They look smug at the other children in their house and mostly to Hermione, Evans(Dudley), and Ron. The Gryffindors along with Hermione, Evans(Dudley), and Ron glares at them with a pout.

Once Hesperia was done the two fought playfully. Hesperia giggles as she makes her way to her bench. The room suddenly becomes silent as Viktor Krum walks in and puts his name in the flame. He turns to Hesperia with a small smile.

Viktor walked up to her and held out her hand. Hesperia and Viktor turn to Fred, George, Ron,, Evans(Dudley), and Hermione. They nod and Hesperia walked with Viktor hand in hand ignoring the other students gaping at them and Igor's stuttering.

Viktor couldn't help, but be smug about walking Hesperia around the black lake. He couldn't get Hesperia's smile and laugh whenever he was around. Viktor wonder why he felt a certain way for Hesperia.

He felt safe, warm, accepted, and acknowledged for being him as a person when it comes to Hesperia with her gentle touch, smile, and selfless yet fierce, brave, and stubborn personality. That's when it hit Viktor. He was in love with Hesperia and he hoped he could be able to protect her. Viktor knows himself that he won't hesitate to kill anyone if they tried to do anything against Hesperia.

Hesperia would blush and sometimes shy away from him. Viktor right then and there knows his little star, his warrior is also in love with him. Viktor is only waiting for that one moment to have a special way to ask her. But first he has to ask his parents and Hesperia's family for her hand in marriage.

That night after Viktor took Hesperia back to the common room he immediately contacted his parents and Hesperia's family separately to ask permission for Hesperia's hand in marriage. Later after Viktor showered he got all of the letters from his family and Hesperia's. All of the answers were yes and approved.

Viktor just had to wait for that one moment where he could ask Hesperia to be his through lovers and as, Husband and Wife.

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