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Hesperia and Viktor have then decided to spend time with their friends all morning through breakfast, classes, and lunch. Then the rest of the afternoon was to spend time together down the Black Lake.

Viktor was going to have a heart attack when he met the giant squid named Architeuthis he is known to protect the students of Hogwarts and he help guide the boats with the first years and second years.

Architeuthis scares the children because he is lonely and is sometimes being called Robin when it comes to kids disturbing the waters so he steals their belongings. Viktor saw how gentle Hesperia is with Architeuthis and for the first time Viktor felt jealous that Architeuthis has Hesperia's attention.

Hesperia giggles at her lover's jealousy and signals him to come claim her if he so dared. He of course did dare to do so and he went closer, and brought Hesperia's back to connect his chest as it rumbles in satisfaction. Architeuthis made his tentacles fold like arms showing he was pouting and left before giving the two a splash with water.

That made the two laugh at his antics and hope Architeuthis were to find someone. Heseria looked up to Viktor who was already staring at her intensely with love, promise, devotion, and happiness. Hesperia's smile went wider and she showed the love, admiration, and adoration shown on her face, and in her eyes.

She could feel Viktor's heart pump against his chest to her back. The two share a loving and compassionate kiss in front of the late before heading inside to join the others in the Great Hall. The two walked inside hand in hand and some noticed them. Some wanted to pointed out, but kept quiet when the Gryffindors and mostly Hesperia's siblings glared at them.

They realize Viktor and Hesperia doesn't want the attention so they kept quiet, and they do support the relationship, they just hope Viktor doesn't hurt Hesperia's heart whether it is emotional, mental, and physically. 

As the ladies of Beauxbaton Academy finished their performance, Dumbledore thanked them. He then takes his wand and gives a sweeping motion. In an instant the torches lining the hall gutter died down. The only light in the room was the Goblet of Fire with it's beautiful blue flames burn bright in the room.

Hesperia and Viktor held each other's hand in comfort while the rest of the Gryffindors and their friends held each other under the table. Viktor knows he'll not stop himself if Hesperia will be in dangered this year again because he will be furious. His anger gets the best of him and his family along with his friends, and his beloved, Hesperia knows that.

The goblet's flame cackles and turns red. A charred bit of parchment descends from the goblet into the air as Dumbledore takes it.

"The Champion of Drumstrange is VIKTOR KRUM!," Dumbledore announced.

A storm of applause from the Slytherins and Gryffindors as Viktor gives Hesperia a reassuring kiss on the lips before he goes to Dumbledore to take his paper. Evans(Dudley) holds Hesperia hand as he squeeze comfort for his sister.

The goblet turns red and another parchment paper appears, and goes into Dumbledore's hand.

"The Champion of Beauxbatons is FLEUR DELACOUR," Dumbledore called out.

Ron whistles loudly, but it was of course too loudly where Hesperia hit him at the back of his head. Some laugh quietly while the others just laugh out. Ron smiles sheepishly at his sister who glowers at him. She rubs her ear and Ron kisses her head in apology. Hesperia of course forgives him.

"And lastly, the Hogwarts Champion is CEDRIC DIGGORY," Dumbledore announced.

All of the Hogwarts students cheered, clap, and whistle at Cedric's name being chosen. Cedric saw Hesperia join in with a huge smile congratulating him. Cedric nod in thankful of her support. He just hopes Hesperia doesn't get involved. She deserves a peaceful year where she isn't involve in any danger.

Cedric knows that his hope will come bite him in the back. He just feels bad for Hesperia that she has to live her life through out Hogwarts. She could've transferred schools, but her bravery, stubbornness, loyalty, and love for her friends was too much for her to move schools. And for that, Cedric admires Hesperia for that.

She puts those she cares and love about above her before she takes care of herself. She was someone Cedric looked up even at such a young age. She was someone that people should take an example of. No matter what hardships you go through, you push through because there are those who are worth fighting for and live for.

"Excellent! We now have our three Champions. I'm sure I can count upon all of you to give your full support to each and every-," Dumbledore was cute short from the gasp of the students.

The flames inside the Goblet of Fire have once more, burned into red flames. A fourth shred of parchment appears and Dumbledore read it.

"Hesperia Potter," he mumbles.

"HESPERIA POTTER," Dumbledore yelled.

Hesperia and her siblings along with their house mates shook their heads. They know for a fact Hesperia never put her name in the goblet. They know because they witness her being with them in the mornings and be with Viktor in the afternoons. It was impossible. And they know for a fact that it was the DADA teacher. The Ex Auror who is an impostor.

Hesperia stood up and walked with fear in her eyes, and her body shook. The Beauxbatons, Drumstrange, and the Hogwarts students could see that she didn't do this. She didn't want this. She looked back at her siblings with small tears dwelling in her eyes. She took to the parchment from Dumbledore.

She walked up where the staff were. Tears ran down her face and the professors of Hogwarts know for a fact she didn't do this, she didn't want this. All they could do is try to give her reassurance that everything will be solved.

Hesperia went down and dropped to the floor sobbing. Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor rush to her.

"I didn't do it, please, someone help me. I didn't do it," she muttered over and over again.

That hit Cedric and Viktor instantly.

"No, no, no, no, this has to be some other way. They can't let you compete. Hesperia we know you didn't want this. I know because over the years we have heard of you going against a possessive professor in first year, saved a student by killing a basilisk, third year was facing Demetores, and now this. We know for a fact you didn't want this," Cedric said to her.

Fleur was shock to hear that everything that she heard about Hesperia was true. Right here in front of her, Hesperia is so vulnerable that she is scared right now. She knows Hesperia wants to live and she didn't want this to happen. Fleur feels for her and hope she doesn't compete.

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