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Everyone has a wonderful time together with their house mates. There were laughter, jokes, and silent moments, but content around each other none the less. Hesperia got to meet Ivan, Maria, and Adelina's lovers. Alexkandar and Daria loved Hesperia immediately with her pure, soft, gentle, and warm aura.

Ivan's lover, Gloria, is Maria and Daria's older sister who graduated last year. Gloria knew from the look of Hesperia she could tell Hesperia was abused. She saw how Hesperia sometimes flinched or checked both sides for any attacks. The way Hesperia's eyes flash fear and horror whenever someone reaches for her.

Gloria was taught to read looks and body languages for any sign of trouble, fear, anger, and such. That kind of body language and look in the eyes or on the face are hard habits to get out of, especially from abuse.

Seeing how Hesperia was adopted into the Weasley-Prewett family, she has not moved on from the habits she was used to. Gloria nods to herself she'll do whatever it takes to bring Hesperia's abusers to justice.

"I can't wait for all of you to meet my siblings," Hesperia said softly with a smile.

Viktor turns to his friends from behind Hesperia with an apology look. That's when his friends knew that once they meet her siblings there will be chaos. Dimitar, Damyan, Nikolay, Ivan, Gloria, Maria, Aleksandar, Adelina, and Daria look back at Hesperia who was smiling like an angel.

Her eyes show nothing of mischief, only happiness and excitement as she goes on about her siblings. She looked adorable to the group and they just hope they won't have a chaotic introduction or getting along with her siblings.

"Oh, there they are. GUYS!!!," Hesperia jumped up with her hand waving.

They then see five red heads and one brunette coming their way. They could see who is more mischief and who isn't. Dimitar and Damyan will get along nicely with Fred and George because of their mischief aura around them. They could tell the twins are chaotic.

Gloria and Aleksandar will get along nicely with Ginny and Ron with liking food and mostly Quidditch while Gloria and Daria will get along with Hermione for reading and subjects that fit them so well. 

The rest of the boys will just have to make do. They will get along fine with Hesperia's siblings, just not when it comes to Fred and George parking them. Ivan will literally have to stick next to either, Hesperia, Viktor or mostly his beloved, Gloria to not get pranked. Even Nikolay and Maria stick close to either their lovers or with Hesperia and Viktor. But between Viktor and Hesperia, they would choose Hesperia because Fred and George mostly list to Hesperia the most.

Hesperia literally had to not laugh at her new friends' misery when it comes to her brothers' pranks. Really life was getting good in Hogwarts, but she can't help fearing the tournament. This event going on in Hogwarts will definitely have her involved without her consent and knowledge.

She has come to know Viktor so well, that she knows his temper and protectiveness if anything were to happen to her. Hesperia wouldn't blame him really. If anyone of her loved ones were in her shoes she would tear anyone if they dared to do anything to those she loves.

A few weeks have passed before the up coming champion selecting since it starts tomorrow night.

Hesperia made sure her new friends and her family have their charmed jewelries to wear them at all times. Even Hesperia has multiples because her family would not have any other way to keep her from harm. She has a locket of her family, she has a locket bracelet she has not put anything in it yet, she has star earrings, she then has her ladyship ring into one ring, and an anklet.

Viktor thought he could get away from laughing at Hesperia with her family's protectiveness she was able to have his parents and sister agree for him to have some jewelries on him. Hesperia smiled smugly whenever Viktor pouted at the onyx earrings on his ears, bracelet around his wrist, a necklace around his neck, and a ring around his finger.

The only reason he couldn't argue with his star is because he wanted to ease her worry and it shows how much she loves him to where she wants and needs him protected. The onyx crystals were a way of her thinking about his eyes all the time. Viktor and Hesperia have been going slow and steady with their relationship that Gyrffindors and her siblings are waiting for that moment they share their first kiss.

It was loving, adorable, and cute, but the two are so shy and hesitant with each other they think they will mess it all up. That made them even more adorable and deserve each other. With Viktor's friends they know he'll be straightforward, but since he is serious with this relationship, he doesn't want to rush it.

Hesperia then decides it has been two weeks of waiting for Viktor to make a move. She turns to him and pulls him to her. She kissed him. Viktor was shocked for a moment at the bold move his star did and kissed her back. Hesperia hum in delight while Viktor sighs in happiness through his nose.

Hesperia wrapped her arms around Viktor's neck and Viktor wrapped his right arm around her waist while his other free arm is around her shoulders.

Unknown to the two, the Gryffindors, Slytherins, a certain potion master, some friends from the Quidditch team in Drumstrange, and a certain Hufflepuff all pass around money. Apparently, they bet on who makes the first move on this very day.

Some were very shocked at the bold move Hesperia made. While others were shocked that Viktor wasn't the one who made a single move until Hesperia kissed him and he kissed back.

A certain potion master wasn't shocked in Hesperia because he knows even if she was shy or hesitant he knows she'll also pull up the courage to say or act any other way. He remembers a certain red head that did the same action Hesperia did to a certain annoying prat.

He realized Hesperia was never like her father, but her mother. He has forgotten how sassy her mother could be when she wishes, or when she is angry, or upset, or be kind to whoever. He was so blind he didn't see it. Hesperia was more like her mother.

Then everyone that spied left their hiding spot to leave the two in private. They did indeed deserve each other.

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