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And so the letters between the two went on during the summer.

Dear Viktor,

I am happy we are able to send letters to each other during the summer. Meaning we are able to play the '20 Question' game.

But before we play, I wanted to let you know my adopted mother, Molly Weasley-Perewett, doesn't mind if you would like to come over to the Burrow, to play Quidditch with my siblings and I.

So my first question is going to be simple. That way we could start off slow. So here is my question. What is your favorite color?

Sincerely yours,
Hesperia Potter-Weasley-Prewett
Lady of Potter, Black, and Gyriffindor(And much more, just lazy to write them)
Heiress of Rosemary

Dear Hesperia,

I too am glad we are able to write to each other. With the '20 Question' game is a very good idea for the two of us. I was unable to think of what to write to you without making you uncomfortable.

So I am grateful for this idea of yours. I would love to be there with you to fly and play Quidditch. So I will talk it out with my family to allow me to visit you during this summer.

My favorite color is dark blue. What is your favorite color?

Sincerely yours,
Viktor Krum
Heir Krum

Dear Viktor,

You have never done or said anything to make me uncomfortable. You have been yourself within the letters you've written to me.

I see how brave you are, how strong you are, how much you care for others, how devoted you are, how smart you are, and how talented you are. You being yourself is all I ever needed.

I hope to see you during this summer when you ask for your family's permission to visit.

My siblings and I really love Quidditch so playing with us would help us have more fun because having someone new would be a good challenge. You big softie.

My favorite color is green and red. What is your favorite Holiday? Mine is Yule.

Sincerely yours,
Your Seeker

Dear Hesperia,

I am glad I am not making you uncomfortable. I can't wait to visit you. I have my family's permission to visit you and I would love to be a challenge for you and your siblings during Quidditch.

And yes, I am a big softie, but only for you. My favorite Holiday is also Yule.

I'll see you soon. Just wait for me.

Sincerely yours,
Your Big Softie

Dear Viktor,

I am so glad to hear that. I can't wait for you to properly meet my family. I hope when you visit you are protected and blessed by Mother Magic. Safe travels during Bulgaria.

Sincerely yours,
Your Seeker

Dear Hesperia,

I will be safe on my travels, thank you for your thoughtfulness. I hope you have a blessing everyday with your family and friends. I too can't wait to meet your siblings properly.

Sincerely yours,
Your Big Softie

Dear Viktor,

I am ready to explain everything about what has happened. But I would like to keep it short and simple.

My relatives despise me because I was not normal. Normal by being muggle having nothing to do with magic and the laws of magic.

They hated me to where they truly put their hands on me through mental, emotional, and physical. My new found family found out the hard way and they were furious.

My relatives are in prison so no need to worry. Dudley who used to be their son realize how wrong it was because he was influence by his parents.

He still blames himself for not realizing it and how blind he was. He hated himself for everything he did to me.

But he truly is forgiven right now and everyday he is the one to forgive himself. Before coming to Hogwarts, I truly knew nothing of magic or the magical realm. I was thrust into it without proper process when Hagrid a half giant came to my rescue for only a year only to go back during Summer.

This is all I could tell you.

Sincerely yours,
Your Seeker.

Dear Hesperia,

What your relatives was vile and a disgrace to the muggle world and in the magical realm. Children of both worlds are meant to be cherish. To think muggles are to do such things to a child is vile and disgusting.

I am glad you are happy now with your new found family. They love you for who you are, who you've become. Children like you deserve happiness, protected, loved, and cared for. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

Live happy Hesperia. You are a brave, stronger, stubborn, powerful, selfless, and compassionate young woman I have ever met. I saw all of that during the incident. I hope you know I too am on your side and your side only.

Sincerely yours,
Your Big Softie

Dear Viktor,

I am happy to hear you still want to be my friend. Know I too am on your side if you ever need my help. I'll be there with my family by my side. Your words made me cry in happy tears to hear those words.

I believe if children who are still living a life like mine would truly be grateful that someone thinks that way. I want to have the Ministry to help, but there is no proof. Even though there is. Which is through memories.

The only reason they aren't doing anything is because they are afraid of children being too powerful or have anyone being too powerful. For example, Dumbledor. There are those who truly dislike Dumbledor and they are trying to bring him down.

What they do realize is that they are doing it the wrong way where it would harm others. Yet, they don't care. There are those who care among the Ministry they are just too afraid to stand up.

It is like hearing and seeing a bully gang against and above the innocence.

Sincerely yours,
Your Seeker

Dear Hesperia,

I have told my father of what you have wrote to me about the Ministry and to say my family and I are disgusted by what your Ministry's way are leading.

The way I hear it, all of it is leading to a horrible ending especially in Britain and the muggle world. If they do not solve those problems then every country there is will step in.

Just like how Bulgaria is stepping in a long with France is stepping in to help. Father is already having a team to help the children around the world inside the muggle world to be brought to safety.

I am glad you were giving this information to me. You are not too late in rescuing those children. All of them are healing right now. Some are going to be blood adopted into different pureblood and halfblood families near England and London.

I await for your letter soon.

Sincerely yours,
Your Big Softie

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