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A loud bang was heard from upstairs and Hesperia wasn't calmed down anymore she bursted out sobbing as she clung closer to Viktor.

Dumbledore, Minerva, Sprout, Flickwick, Severus, Igor, Madam Maxime, Mad-Eye, and Crouch descends down to where the Champions were. Dumbledore yank Hesperia out of Viktor's arms. Hesperia cries as she tries to get away.

"REDUCTO!," Viktor roared.

Dumbledore flew back to the stairs and many looked to Hesperia's shaking body and fear in her eyes as tears fell down all over again. They see Viktor wrap his arms around her waist and shoulders. They see the fiery rage in his eyes. They knew what Dumbledore did was wrong.

Right in front of them was a scared and vulnerable child, a teenager that doesn't want to be in this tournament. Madam Maxime could then see that all of this wasn't Hesperia Potter's fault, but someone else who is trying to harm her in every way.

Igor could see his mistake to think The Girl Who Lived wanted the fame and glory when she is crying her pain and heart out of finding out she is involved in a dangerous event. His pride of course never showed he was wrong.

"Please, don't make them have me compete, please. I just wanted a normal year. A year where I am finally away from danger causing them to almost made me lose my life. Viktor, please, I'll do anything. I don't want this. For the first time during this year I was happy, but it all crashed down to this. I don't want this, please," they hear her beg to Viktor.

"I know, I know, and I'm so sorry for not looking out for you. I wish we could turn back time, but I don't know what to do. But what I know for sure, I'll help you along the way through this tournament. You, are strong and you will push through this. You aren't alone, my love, you aren't alone," Viktor comforts.

Viktor kiss Hesperia calming her. She sigh in content and kiss him back. The two breaks the kiss and embrace each other. Their magic swirls around the room as everyone feels such powerful magic from the two.

Mad-Eye who is Barty Crouch Jr. watches with awe and shock. The magic the two are displaying was powerful. So more powerful than his master. He then realized what he was doing maybe wrong, but he knows his master doesn't want to hurt Hesperia. Because Hesperia is actually his second cousin from the Gaunt family side as they married into the Potter family way back.

His master just wants to get Hesperia out, but because of Dumbledore's hold on her it was impossible and right now it seems she is out of Dumbledore's manipulation. The problem is, he'll try to get her on his hold again during the tournament. Barty Crouch Jr. will do everything to keep his master's cousin safe.

"Barty, there must be some other way for Miss Potter to not compete," Igor snarls at Crouch.

Crouch looks blank as he looks at the fire above a table.

"The rules are absolute. The Goblet of Fire constitutes a binding Magical contract. Ms. Potter has no choice," Crouch spoke.

He then looks at the staff and Headmaster/Mistress, then he look past them to Hesperia who was still distress.

"As of tonight, Ms. Potter is a Triwizard Champion," he finished.

Everyone turns back to Hesperia who clenches her hand into a tight fist and punches the glass with trophies and gold within them. The glass broke into tiny pieces. The loud crack made everyone flinch. Hesperia's magic flickers with rage. Viktor focuses his magic on hers and she calms instantly. Hesperia sway and Viktor bridal carry her back upstairs.

Everyone who was seated looked to see Viktor carrying Hesperia and each of them saw tear stains on her face. Their hearts clench as they know what this means. Hesperia Potter has to compete.

Hesperia woke the next morning finding herself in her dorm room with the girls right next to her. They curled up to her and most of the girls were first to third years. Hesperia smile softly as she gets them up to get ready the day.

The girls love to see Hesperia happy again and will do everything to keep her happy just for a little while before the tournament.

"Come on you lot, your stomachs aren't going to feed themselves," Hesperia scolded jokenly.

The girls giggle when the boys rush out of their rooms. Some of them were half dressed as they had tank tops on, or don't have a shirt, or they just have a blanket over some of their heads. This made the girls laugh at them.

"My goodness, all of you go back and dress properly," Hesperia chuckles.

The boys smiled sheepishly and went to get dressed. They then walk with the girls to the Great Hall for breakfast. Hesperia quickly made her way to Viktor who was already opening his arms for her to go into. Which she did of course. The girls around the room coos at the moment in front of them.

The boys just grumble and they took Viktor's examples. Some of them have lovers in either the same house or different house. So each went to go to their perspective lovers. Those who were single they just huffed and went together as a group. The single girls just look at the single guys who are walking together as if they were stupid.

Then the boys who didn't have anyone they look to see the girls who also didn't have anyone look at them as if they were stupid and they understood what they were trying to give them. Each boy went to go the their crush as they built up the courage to go to them.

The girls were shocked that their crush actually liked them back and quickly had them sit next to them. Some of the extra girls just look sad at how there weren't any of the single guys that were left that didn't like them. So the girls from Drumstrange went to go to them and have them be theirs.

The Beauxbaton boys also decided to do the same to the extra single guys. Some were either gay or bisexual at this point and Hesperia was squealing with Ginny, Hermione, Patil and her sister Padma, and Lavender when someone from Drumstrange was flirting with a very red Evans(Dudley) as he was trying to eat.

The adults however, found this amusing. Minerva snickers as she watches one of her lions flush at the Drumstrange student flirting with him. Igore's face palm when he saw Vladislav flirting with one of Hesperia's brothers. Severus was looking at his snakes with horror when he saw ten Gryffindors together with his snakes.

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