The UA moms play would you rather

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Flora exe: would you rather solve global warming? Or would you rather solve world hunger?

Inko: girl global warming isn't real I would definitely solve world hunger.

Flora exe: shut the fuck up. Next question. Would you rather..

Inko: holy fuck freaky Flora did you forget to take your dementia pills?

Flora exe: hey inko can you read these for me?

Inko: sure.*makes up her own question* would you rather let inko lick Flora's feet? Or would you rather let inko lick Julie's feet?

Flora exe: holy fuck inko you are a complete disgusting fuck. Admit that you're disgusting foot pervert and let's move on.

Inko: okay whatever.😒

Inko: okay would you rather get hit with a car and die? Why would you rather kill five small children with your car?

Inko: holy fuck why did Jimmy write this shit?😨

Flora exe: just answer the question Inko.😑

Inko: man fuck them kids.🙄

Flora exe:*shocked*😧

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