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Harini did drag Minakshi to area where a stage present ,on stage there are various instruments and besides the stage the line of students who were going to participate..

"So.." Minakshi looked at harini, "is Sandhya going to participate?"

On reply harini nodded,"which instrument?"

"That is surprise" said the yogesh who just approached them, "let's take a sit.."he continued and three of them do so.

"When did Sandhya got interested in music?" Asked Minakshi

"Ohh actually she were fascinated by person who teach her and decides to continue.." explain yoges.

"Not to offend, but can her father really afford all of this?" She asked curiously..

"Actually her teacher didn't asked for fees " this time harini replied

"Why so?"

"He said music is the art which give peace to him and he would never going to calculate it on money basis.."said the yogesh giving it dramatic effect,but still so those lines caught minakshi's heart..

"Does people still have this kind of perspective nowdays?" Her voice is too soft for there well being, maybe they would never believe if someone have told them that this actually happened.

And about question yogesh looked at Harini,indicating that she should be the one to answer..to which she nodded half heartedly

'Sorry Minakshi, but I am bound by promise.'she thought.."actually he has his own reasons to pray music like it's god.."

"And what-" she got cutoff by harini,
"Look it's Sandhya's turn now!"

They all watched as Sandhya pick up Veena (Indian musical instrument) and sit on mattress in Lotus pose, after joining her hand praying she picked up and put in vertically, letting her fingers dance on those strings.. everyone appreciate that how a mere teenager can play this much beautiful but Minakshi is shocked.

This can't happen,how could Sandhya even know this tune, this tune is minakshi's self composition and apart from her only .. only few know about it,and surely she didn't meet this teacher of Sandhya..

Within a moment she turned her head towards Harini,asking her through eyes that 'how could anyone know how to play this tune?' to which Harini looked down..

"I still have your musical notes.."

"that one is hard enough"

No reply, and Minakshi assumed that maybe Harini took further lesson to learn more..


Sandhya were standing in line of students snacks line..bragging about the music she just play now..and Minakshi assumed surely Harini is the one who taught her and they made story about teacher..

But sudden rage voice of someone is what disturb there conversation,"is it really you Minakshi?" She didn't looked back neither she remembered whose voice it is ,but the tone it goes a sudden dance in her chest..slowly she turned around finding the face behind voice.

The person is none other than, 'Pushplata Nimbalkar' the second Aunt of Jai daji, but what she doesn't like is  the face that lady makes..

"The audacity of yours to be in school of our children after vanishing for whole 7 years is really appreciated.." said the pushplata clapping her hands mockingly..

Minakshi is to invested in watching her that little Viraj who is also teenager now is waving at her.."Hello minak-" but got cut of by his grandmother "shut up, don't greet her"

Sandhya next moment stick on minakshi's leg,she seems scared on sudden outburst but she is not only one who were scared, Viraj also hide behind his Kaku Avanti, who were also present there but in total haze after seeing her sister after long time..

"Why they looking at you like that,they hate you?" A small voice of Sandhya asked, ofcourse she lost her cheerfulness minutes ago,Minakshi put her hand over sandhya's head "shh it will be fine.."

It's been 7 years,whole damn 7 years and still not a single thing changed here..not a single..

She decides to turn around instead of talking back..but next moment caught in bone crushing hug...by Avanti
"You here.." she felt the crying voice in that sentence, in return Minakshi stand there froze in whole minute.. awkward and emotional

This situation where Avanti is hugging her like koala and Sandhya is on her leg like lost puppy, pushplata throwing daggers at her and viraj..ohh he is the normal one standing there.. it's too much actually too much

This whole scenario interrupted by dead serious voice of Pushplata "how can you hug her Avanti? This woman here literally trouble our whole family and you still- " and she snatch back Avanti from Minakshi this sudden jerk made Sandhya hug her more tightly cause Minakshi can feel those little shudders..

"Aai we should not-" Avanti got cut off "If you forgot this girl is the reason so much  is changed ,Jai and Niyati had fought and don't me even start on Vivaan"

"What do you mean by that,I didn't interrupt a single thing in your family,how could you -"

"Trying to be innocent? I hate you from core for trying another new scheme.." and Pushplata walk away holding Viraj by one hand and Avanti by other..

"I did what?" Asked Minakshi to herself,but soon leave that topic as presence of Sandhya bother her again..


"Phi coffee,our flight will land in half an hour ,you better be on airport on time" said the voice of ink who surely munching on something..

"Yes I will"replied Minakshi from this side and cut the call..

"Guys I am going to Airport As I said to pick up Ink and soobin"she continued as standing up.

"You coming to my house?"asked Harini

"No I will take them on my flat" she said continue to walk away..

"Hey Sandhya we gonna get new international friends "said Yogesh cheering up..

"Really" those teenage eyes asked with curiosity.


" What is this!"exclaimed Ink as soon she opened the door excited

"You didn't clean up?" Asked soobin as he run his eyes around

"I didn't even stayed here from last 2 days and you know I can't clean.." said Minakshi as she entered in house

"Where is broom and wiper?" Soobin said putting bags on side..

"I am tired" said ink copying soobin's action "but I will do it" she continued tying her hair up

"I will get you cleaning equipments" Minakshi said as walked out off door

She came back with required equipments and yogesh's mother.

"Guys this is Nirmala Karkhanis,the  neighbour,you can always asked her for help if you needed.  And  kaku this guy is soobin and she is Ink they both came from Thailand " said Minakshi introducing all

Ink and Nirmala joined hand to greet eachother saying 'sawadee kha' and 'namaskar' at same time but soobin did a whole 90° bow , and all of this surely made Minakshi chuckel..."what a great variety of culture we have here" she said smiling..

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