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She sigh in frustration as anger building up in her again.

"Go get the chairs!" Said one of person from crowd and soon few chairs were present there. She took a sit alongside Vivaan as other few old members took sit too.

None speak for while, as vivaan out of boredom,scan every face,none of them look like normal, like all are sleep deprived.
They surely scared by this death threat thing.

A lady came up there with cups of tea,which Vivaan gladly pick up one and sip it as he didn't had single amount of food in his belly.

"Does anyone from Chavan Industry came here before?" She asked to one of olderly person,who he assumed must have known people from Chavan family.

"Actually" Suraj started " it's not first time,two years ago same happened but that was not that serious,and we soon moved on but this time.." and he take good amount of pause, another man speak up, "they came to threaten us here, showing us gun,saying that 'we better listen to them' otherwise one by one all of us will die and no one even gonna find out" that man complete with little shudder.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to anyone of you, do you have phone number of nearby police station?" She asked now leaning back in chair.

"We do,you said so in past." Suraj confirmed.

"Hmm, for now resume your work and just don't travel alone and always have eye on surrounding. If anything happen call the police immediately." She completed sentence as she stood up.

"Take care of yourself,this time I will make sure nothing to bother in future" she smile as them confidently and all of them nod back.

Soon Minakshi and vivaan left the place,back in car and on main highway, she leaned back looking outside the window as he also driving at required minimum speed,just so he could have more time with her.

He genuinely wanted to do that,it doesn't matter then if they talk or not, he is just glad to be in her existence, he take little glimpse of her every now and the, like how her hairs now only reach till her shoulder,they used to be very long and beautiful he missed them.

How her cheeks look more beautiful than before, probably she is eating now,cause deep cheek bones are barely visible,he is glad for tha.

How her eyes blink more slowly whenever she is in thoughts,how she randomly scratch her thumb on inder finger as her anxiety habit.

Many of things are still same as he used to remember,so much same like that one beauty mark below her ear and another on near her chin, the one permanent scar mark on wrist of right hand,which now much  faded than before,but still there.

She suddenly looked at him and he stiffens, "can I ask?" She started, he thought 'is it about current,he were not checking her out ,he were just matching past with present '

"About?" He replied

"Can you tell me what happened in last 7 years" he sigh in relief.

"Sure,what you want to know?" He started now eyes on road mirroring hers.

"Every main event.." she said now sitting straight.

"Ok, so...um.. as you remember saniya vahini were pregnant that time,she gave birth to girl and we name d her Pari she is 7 now." He said remember that small soul in his house.

"Ohh,I regret that one,I should have meet her ,she must be cute and sweet now,saniya vahini always take good care and whenever we met tell us about only good stories." She said trailing in past to which he smile in reply.

"Jay dada  and Niyati vahini also have daughter,her name is Vrunda,she is 3" mentioned of her sister surely bother Minakshi but she decides to side it for now.

"Vrunda.." she mumbled to herself,"actually Aaji named her, Janhavi got married to Korean guy named Kai,they are happily went to Korea." He continued

"A Korean?" She asked in amusement,"didn't you family protest?"

"Ofcourse they did,but we have Jaya didi with us,so it went smooth, and you won't believe but there Korean family is crazy fan of Indian culture,like they come to India every Diwali,her mother-in-law has acquired more knowledge than me , sometimes I feel like I forgot to study my own culture." And he laughed over that.

"By the way.." he got the serious tone in voice "Thank you for giving me my sister back!"

"Me?" She said and he looked at her,the face really reads like ' why you assumed it's me'

"I might be older than before but didn't forgot anything 'miss OS'. " He answered her without glancing again at her.

In reaction she just looked away, probably not wanting to talk further on this topic, "and another thing" he stated

"I don't know if you know but you have brother named 'Akshay Deshmukh'"

"I what?" A serious shock were on her face.

"So you don't know," he continued in same tone as before,"He is son of Meera Deshmukh,they live in Satara,we meet them every now and then as you know,our mothers are friend from past."

"Our?" She asked bitterly,"even if you didn't accept,it doesn't gonna change the fact that Meera Deshmukh is your biological mother." He said in calm tone totally unsuitable to her current reaction.

"I don't want to..she-" she started but got cut off, "Your mother paid enough for her deeds,it better for you to talk to her now" He hoped positive

"You don't know what she did"

"I do, it just that she regret it now,you should meet her then you will realise that she really did."

"I will not"

"Not even your brother?"

"He is her son"

"And she is your mother"

"Ohh please stop it!"

"No,you actually need to someone show you mirror."

"Stop. the. car."


"Stop the car" she said and he did, "open the door" she said  as she failed to open cause it is locked.

"We are middle of market, don't now, you can lash on me when we reach-" but got cutt off

"I need to buy Jilebi" she said pointing towards a vendor on road side

"Huh?" He asked cause it's really off topic.But did so, and she went and get 1 kg of Jilebi.

"So party on our reunion?" He asked grinning. She just stare blankly.

"It's not for you.."

"Ohh Do not be mean to me, are you gonna eat all of this by yourself you didn't even used to like eating in past" yes that was taunt to her on her eating disorder "so selfish,share some with me!" He blabber out .

"Let's go back" she replied

"Hey!" He startled as he got ignored "ok tell me address of your-"

"Why! didn't Yash tell you my address? I thought he told you everything" she fight back staring into his eyes,challenging him.

"I ...ok"He didn't continue and started the car.


Why I ain't getting comments here?

Am I that bad?

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