Chapter 3: Artificial quirk granted

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Izuku stared at the boy preventing him from rooftop diving.

The boy spoke, "this is not the way to go about this".

the boy pulled izuku away from the edge and let's go of his clothes.

"I heard the whole thing between you and all might". izuku eyes widen.

"my name is hawaki ln and I can understand where you are coming from because I am also quirkless". izuku eyes widen even wider. but jumping of that roof wouldn't change anything".

"Y you are quirkless too", izuku stuttered. "yes I came from a family of quirkless people". at this point izuku eyes were the size of dinner plates.

so there is a whole family suffering the same fate as me, izuku thought sad and also intrigued wanting to know how they are handling the problems that comes with being quirkless.

Izuku and hawaki got to talking and izuku discovered that his elder sister died while encountering her first villain. According to him his sister wanted to become a hero but all the hero schools rejected her application because she was quirkless and so resulted to being a vigilante but died in the hands of the first villain she faced.

At this point both izuku and hawaki were crying, izuku because they suffered so much for something they had no control over, and hawaki for obvious reasons.

"after her death somehow the news spread around the neighborhood that a quirkless person died while intentionally fighting a villain, trying to be a hero. we became the laughing stock allover again". Hawaki clenched his fist. "instead of mourning they were laughing. She died while being a hero, but all they did was laugh all because she was quirkless. The teasing, bullying, pointing, name calling, pranking became worst. my junior sister got the worst of it because she was the easier prey. Things continued like that until we could no longer take it and we moved to I-island" hawaki said with a single tear drop rolling down his left cheek while midoriya on the other hand had geysers coming out of his eyes.

"After we settled in I -island I had already finished high school. so I choose to study bio mechanical engineering with the aim of building a device that could help quirkless people. There I met a girl named Melisa shield who has a vast knowledge on technology and apparently who's father is the leading scientist of I -island. I told her what I wanted to accomplish, so she also offered to help me because she was also quirkless too so she knew the hardship that came with it. so we started a joint project. Years went by and we adjusted in I island. AFTER some years I was done with college and I and melissa came up with the A.Q.I, the ARTIFICIAL QUIRK INPERSONATOR. So far we were almost done with the project when me and my family had to move back to japan because my younger sister wanted to enter UA's support course so I couldn't finish the project with melissa, I had to finish it on my own".

izuku blinks as he processed the information. "woah you went to I island and you build a device that could grant people quirks , that is so cool".

hawaki chuckled at his amazement. He took a good look at the green haired boy at the front of him and realized there were various burn marks and bruises on his body and his brows narrows.

Hawaki spoke up. "Izuku can I ask you something, izuku nod's in response. Where did you get those injuries on your body".

izuku tense up for a sec before responding.

he didn't want to lie so he told him the truth.

"I I got t these from m my bullies". "let me guess because you are quirkless". hawaki said. izuku nod's and told him everything that has happened to him from the point he was declared quirkless to how he ended up in this very rooftop.

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