Chapter 4: welcome to your hero academia

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Present mike:let me hear you say yeaaaaahh!

Students in the room: *absolute silence*

Izuku: yeah

Bakugo: shut up you dam nerd

Present mike:[starts sweating] for the practical part of this exam you will be fighting three types of robots with point value. for each robot you take out you get the point value assigned to them.

After that izuku was in front of the mock city, [whistle blows]

Everyone: blinks

Present mic: what are you doing, in life you don't get count down, go

Izuku along with everyone started charging at the robots. Izuku started teleporting robots left and right, some he teleported under water while some in an active volcano with flashes of light whenever he does so, trying to rack up more point,anyone could tell that izuku was causing mass distruction from a mile away.

In the monitor room with the UA staff, they were watching the examinees. "This years batch of examinees looks promising". aizawa said. "yes but their true test is about to begin". nezu said and presses a bid juicy button that looks like it could destroy the world. All might was staring at izuku intently, wasn't he the quirkless kid from the sludge villain incident, all might was happy that azuku had apply to become a hero but there was one thing though... wasn't he quirkless then what is this power he is displaying.

In the examination area there were mini earthquake before out of the ground came a giant robottowering over buildings and destroying anything that was in its way. Examinees were running away from the comically large bucket of bolt while some were already caught up in the destruction it caused just by moving. Izuku seeing this teleported himself on top of the robot's shoulders and teleported its head away and teleported right back to the ground in one swift motion.

The examineees and the UA staff that were watching this gawked, he took out that giant without breaking a sweat. after taking out the gigantic lump of metal and landing on the ground in a dramatic way, izuku saw a short girl stuck under a cluster of heavy rocks and she looked injured, he teleported to where she was and offered to help.

Izuku: are you injured

???: yes and stuck apparently shroom.

Izuku: you are bleeding rapidly, let me take care of that

*teleports away the rubbles and teleports the first aid in his house into his ands* he applied the first aid and dressed her wound skillfully like he has been doing it for years which is not surprising, years of bullying from bakugo with his lackies and setsuna had helped.

"thank you shroom". she said while getting a good look at him

Izuku: don't mention it

he said while smiling warmly at her.

Izuku seeing that someone needed help again went away while saying bye to her.

Izuku went over to the person who needed help and saw a really short boy with balls for hair screaming at the top of his lungs like a little girl. He was stuck under a destroyed pile of metal but there was no form of injury on his body.

Izuku: *teleports the metal off him* are you all right?

Boy with ball for hair: yeah... thanks.

He was a bit disappointed that a girl didn't come to save him. [whistle blows]

Present mike: all right little listeners time's up, those of you who are injured go to recovery girl and those of you who aren't go home your results will be mailed to you a week from now.

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