Chapter 22: the pop up hero: Anywhere

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It was the next morning and izuku and yui were walking to school together. The weather was cloudy but a bit sunny. they were walking in this awkward silence that they both learn to appreciate whenever their with each other. The two were like similarly odd pair. One is someone who doesn't show a lot of expressions and keeps to herself while the other timid is very easy to interact with. Like I said they were an odd pair. They are not similar to each other but their not opposite side of a coin either.

The weather was just right, it wasn't cool like you would expect morning's to be.

There was a slight shift in yui's expression. It was so subtle you would have missed it if you didn't look closely.

Izuku squinted at her. ""are you alright. You seem distant"".

She pursed her lips. "yeah".

Izuku sigh. "look yui". He flinched just the slightest when he said her name. he wasn't used to calling people by their given names.

"yes izuku". she said his first name, showing him that she was absolutely comfortable calling him by his given name. " right, what I wanted to say is that if there is anything bothering you or if there's anything on your m mind I I'm". his stuttering came back. Maybe it's because he was asking her to confide in him. He was still new to all this friendship stuff.

"ready to listen, b but you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable with it".

Isn't he comfortable, I thought we've past the point where we are okay with each other's presence, or is there something wrong.

She looked at him and tilt her head to the side. "what's the matter izuku. aren't you comfortable.

"why, it's nothing". he shook his head.

The two went silent.

"yui, can I ask you a question". She nodded.

We've been neighbors for a long time but we never spoken to each other except if it's to exchange greetings. Why is that".

Yui's gaze shifted downwards, her bangs slowly drifting to the song of the wind. "I guess......"

"I guess you've never noticed me,... all this while, I've been trying to get your attention, but..., but you don't notice". "it's always been like that".

Izuku's lips parted and his throat dried up. So that was the reason, all this while, she's been trying to get my attention in her own way, but I..., I was too busy dreaming about heroes and getting bullied. She's been the one who reached out to me first, but I was too oblivious to notice, so it's been like that all this while huh...

"yui i... I..." he was caught off

"but it's okay, we're here now isn't it?. it took you long enough to realize it, but we're friends now aren't we".

Izuku lost his edges, his composure was broken down for a moment. In that stoic face of hers was a faint smile.

His grip tightened around his bag straps. "we'll always be". His eyes glinted with a mysterious gleamed

"I can see the school up ahead". He said as he flashed a smile that highlighted his diamond freckles.

She swallowed. That feeling grew ten fold.

The two entered their classroom to see their classmate chatting away as they wait for the bell to ring. He sent a small smile at kinoko and a small wave at poney who was waving at him. Kuroiro and rin squinted in suspicion at this interaction.

Tetsu tetsu: yo midory bro.

""see you later"" izuku said to yui as tetsu tetsu hijacked him from her. He dragged him to where him and juzo were. Shiozaki and kendo were chatting at the table next to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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