Chapter 20: transfering to class 1B

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The break UA gave the students to rest up from the sports festival already went by and now they were back to school. Izuku made his way down the halls of ua to his class. He opened the door to hiss class and saw that they were chatting with themselves. As he entered some of them looked at his direction before continuing what they were doing.

Momo waved at him as Todoroki gave him a nod while jirou sent him a glance before she continued with what she was doing. Izuku waved back at momo, returned todoroki's nod and sent his own glance at jirou before he went to his seat.

Izuku was bringing out his book from his bag when Kirishima put his right arm around his neck.

Kirishima: yo mido bro, did you get recognize by other people too.

Izuku: yeah, I did.

mina: we've turned into mini celebrities overnight because of the sport festival

sero: I know it's crazy.

Sato drank water from his thermostat while listening to conversations here and there.


Kaminari: what, you don't know I pee in the ocean.

Sato had a dumb expression on his face after hearing what kaminari said, he slowly back away from his thermostat, his stomach churned,.

Momo clutched her head in mortification as it was spinning from Kaminari's statement.

Iida was this close to performing reciproburst on Kaminari.

Shoji gripped his stomach as vile rose up to his throat. "mister stark...I don't feel so good". He uttered.

Tsu let out a croak. That day she swore never to swim in the ocean again.

Meanwhile ojiro was already throwing up outside the window of class 1A with it landing on some unfortunate bastard.

Somehow the concept of kaminari's pee in the ocean was more scary than fighting ferocious villains.

While this was going on aizawa and sekijiro kan

Were on their way to their respective classes as they discuss.

Kan: alright aizawa hand over your student.

Aizawa: which one.

Kan: izuku midoriya.

Aizawa:back off vlad, he's off limits.

Kan: but I just want to borrow him for 2 weeks, you can have him back after that.

Aizawa: why do you want him anyways.

Kan: I want to see the effect he's going to have on my class, his skills is really valuable.

Aizawa: I'm not still letting him go, you can take bakugo instead.

Kan: *sighs* I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice.

Vlad king pulled out a paper and shoved it in aizawa's face.

Aizawa: what is this.

Kan: the principal's approval for the temporary transfer for izuku midoriya.


Aizawa yell could be heard throughout the entirety of ua.

The nezu in question was in his office sipping tea when he heard it.

Nezu: ah, is it me or does this tea taste even more delicious when there's a sleep deprived man yelling your name.

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