Chapter 5: hero basic training

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 Next day The students of class 1a were going about their day. Toru, jirou and mina were talking with toru reminding them of her existance every five minutes due to her quirk, tsu yu was telling her friends to call her tsu, mineta was reading icha-icha tactics, izuku was doing what izuku does, sero and kaminari were exchanging pokemon cards like drug dealers with iida reprimanding them while making chopping hand motions, bakugo was yelling at any living organism and aizawa was sleeping in his sleeping bag without a care in the world when a voice boomed over the class.

 The voice: I am coming through the door like a normal person.

kirishima: I am willing to bet my entire savings that is not a normal person.

All might made a dramatic entry with a pose and his signature smile.

Kirishima:'s all might in his silver age costume.

jirou: so it's true...all might is really gonna be a teacher at UA.

As you all know, I am all might and I would be taking you guys hero basic training or hero training 101 for short. He said before pressing a button at the side of the board revealing a hidden compartment that held twenty suitcase with their costume in it.

All might: due to the quirk registry form you filled along with the costume design requirement your costume are made to accommodate your quirks. Put your costumes on and meet me in gym gamma for your hero training class.

The students grabbed their respective suit cases and headed to their locker room to change.

After some dramatic poses in their hero costume the students headed out to gym gamma in style like they just robbed a Halloween store or something.

All might: they say the clothes make the man...well ladies and gentlemen get ready for your combat traini...pwa ha ha ha ha

All might had to restrain himself from doubling down with laughter at the sight of izuku's costume which was a blatant homage to the blonde hero. After all might internally calmed down he continued.

This is kombat training and you all will be put to the test.

Iida: we are at a training field, does this mean we are going to destroy more robot.

All might: no...we are going to go two steps ahead...indoor training. Everyone knows that there are villain fight outside but true villains stay in the shadows. Back room deals, raids and hostage situation take place indoors so the purpose of this exercise is to let you know what to do in this situation.

Iida: but how are we going to be paired up.

Momo: is there a threat of expulsion like aizawa sensei.

Bakugo: can we just blow up our enemies.

Aoyama: doesn't this cape look fabulous on me.

All might was at the edge of having a panic attack from the amount of questions thrown at him as he desperately search his book for answers.

After a while all might answered all their questions.

All might: *pulls out a box* people will be paired according to the letter of cards one picks inside this box. No nobody will be expelled unless you blow your enemies up...and yes young aoyama that cape looks fantastic on you.

Aoyama's head began to swell at the compliment while the rest of the students picked a card like normal people.

Izuku went to pick a card and looked at his pairing. Since it was letters he didn't know who was his partner or foe.

Well it looks like we are baring up, toru said while gently nudging izuku's fore arm. Wait, you're my partner. He asked.

Toru: yep

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