You're not that bad after all

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The next day me, Finney and Gwen were on our way to school. Robin left earlier so thats why he's wasn't with us. When we got closer to the school, we heard a crowd screaming "fight" "fight" "fight" so we ran closer to see whats happening. We saw Moose and Robin.

"You think you're so tough huh?"-Moose spat.
"Let's find out."-Robin said unbothered.
"I will pound you like a nail you scrawny little beaner."-Moose threatened.
"Robin's gonna fuck him up."-i leaned closer to Finney.
"Oh yeah."-he nodded.
"Then do it. Unless you're scared."-Robin teased him.

And with that, Moose threw a punch which i didn't expect at all, nobody ever tried to start a fight with Robin. As much i hate him, i have to admit, fighting is in his blood. He never lost a fight. He's not the type of person you wanna fuck with. Cuz he fucks you up.
Robin kicked him and Moose fell to the ground and then Robin started punching him. Ouch. Blood splattered everywhere.
"Kick his ass Robin."-i cheered.
"Let's go."-Finney started dragging me and Gwen away.
"Holy fuck."-Gwen gasped.
"Come on Finney i wanted to watch it till the end."-i groaned.
"Well we've seen enough."-he stated.
We started walking inside of school and i noticed that Finney was in a shitty mood.
"Finn Moose is a fucking asshole."-i said.
"I know."
"He had it coming. Motherfucker deserves it."-i put my hand on his shoulder.
"Nobody deserves this."-he sighed.
"Finney he literally beat-"
"Yeah i know i was there, i remember."-he said upset.
"Hey look it's new."-Gwen pointed at a poster about a missing kid.
"Holy shit thast Bruce."-i gasped.
"Oh my..."-Finney looked at the poster in shock.
"It was The Grabber. He kidnapped him for sure."
"Don't say that."-Finney said.
"But everbody calls him The Grabber."-Gwen responded.
"Still."-Finney muttered.
"Whatever."-i shrugged my shoulders.

"I have science in first period. What about you guys?"-i changed the topic.
"I have art."-Gwen smiled.
"Good for you."-Finney rolled his eyes.
"Okay bye guys see you at lunch."-i waved them goodbye before Finney stopped me.
"Please don't get into any fights."-he begged.
"I'll try."-i gave him a reassuring look.

Me and Robin have the same schedule, but he isn't at first period which is weird. I wonder where he is.
The bell rang and i decided to go the toilet. Our school for a long time had two gender neutral toilets but later two another toilets were built seperatly for boys and girls.
I'm still using the gender neutral toilets because literally NOBODY else uses them which i'm very grateful for because it's really peaceful.
I made my way into the toilet and was about to sit down and think when the door suddenly opened.
Three guys came in. One of them was Buzz. The bitch i fucked up yesterday.
His nose was in a bandage. Funny.
The other guy Matt or who the fuck was holding a pocket knife. Great. I thought.

"You really thought we weren't gonna do anything after you hurt our friend?"-Matt said.
"I mean i kinda thought i won't get into any fights today."-i shrugged my shoulders.
"I'm holding a knife."-the motherfucker showed me.
"Yeah no shit i have eyes cocksucker."-i blinked.
"And i am going to use it you fucking slut."-he yelled and stepped closer.
"Woah brother calm the fuck down and get out or else i'm gonna beat the shit outta you. You wanna end up like your ugly rats ass looking friend huh?"-i stepped closer too.
"You fucking cunt."-he raised the knife and before he could do anything with it the door opened. Again.
All the three of them turned around and saw Robin. They immediately shit themselves i could tell.
Me and Robin locked eyes.
"Dipshits, move."-he walked towards the sink.
"Hey Roxanne."-he said as he started washing the blood off his knuckles.
"Whats happening?"-he asked.
"You know just keeping on keeping on i guess.-i mumbled in confusion. Tf is he so nice for?
He then looked at the 3 boys.
"Uh-huh. Moose got some damn sharp teeth. Knuckles bled all first period."-he said calmly.
The 3 boys looked at each other, nodded and wanted to walk out of the toilet but Robin stopped them.
"Assholes wait."-he turned off the tap and looked at them. "Fuck with Roxanne again, i fuck with you."
My eyes widened. Woaaahhhh what the fuck.
"You can leave now."-he told them.
They all walked out. Now what? What am i supposed to do or say? Why did the stood up for me?
"Thank you."-i thanked trying to avoid eye contact.
"Its fine. What happened at science? I was in the office, Mr. Smith was giving me a whole lecture about how i should stop getting into fights."-he shook his head.
"Nothing interesting, but you do have to copy two pages tho."
"Can i copy yours?"-he looked at me.
"Sure. Hey why did you fight Moose?"
"He was just shit talking. I thought he'd back down but..nope."-we both chuckled.
"I was so suprised when he swung first to be honest."-he laughed.
"Yeah me too. He's so stupid.
"What was he talking about tho?"-i furrowed my eyebrows.
"Umm it doesn't really matter. But it's been taken care of."
I giggled. "Yeah i saw. I couldn't see the end tho Finney drag me away."
"I know. You cheered for me."-he smirked slighlty.
"Only because i hate Moose."-i said flustered.
"I've seen Texas Chain Saw Massacre friday night, you seen it?"
"No but i wish, it's a rated R movie my dad would never let me see it. I don't understand i'm 15 not 7."
"Well that sucks dumbass."-he grinned. "That move is literally the best, ever."-he said excited.
"Better then Enter the Dragon?"-i crossed my arms.
"Okay maybe second best."-he chuckled.
"Hey. Does Finney have time after school?
"Is it math again."-i sigh.
He nodded.
"Well Finney is taking Gwen to a friend's house so no."
"Then..."-he stopped for a moment. "Do you have time? Mr. Johnson talks too fast and i think you could explain it to me better...even though you're a dumbass
There we are, rude Robin came back, missed him already.
"Hmm i don't know fuckface i don't think i have time for you."-i decided to snap back.
"Fucker you owe me one."-he crossed his arms. "You think i told them to fuck off for you? I did myself a favor. So yes you owe me."
I had a feeling he wanted something and didn't stood up for me just because he was being nice.
"Yeah blah blah whatever come over today."-i gave in.
"Thats what i thought."-he nodded.
"Shut up dickhead."
"Shut up dickhead."-he said in a mocking tone.

----------Time skip----------

"So do you get it now?"-i asked annoyed.
"No i don't."-he shook his head.
"Arellano. This is algebra. It's literally the easiest shit in math."
"Bitch for you."
"Uhhh let me explain it again. You have to multiply this with that."-i showed him. "And after you should be able to figure it out."-i sighed.
I have been tutoring his dumbass for almost 3 hours now. I'm exhausted dude.
" this?"-he asked and i leaned closer to see what he wrote.
"Oh my god yes."-i said relieved.
"So is that it? Thats all i have to do?"he leaned back in the chair.
"Yes Robin. Yes."-i claimed.
"Wow i finally get it. Thanks Blake you're not that bad after all."-he smiled a bit."
"I guess you're not that bad after all either."-i smirked.

"Hey Roxanne we're ho-...oh hey Robin what are you doing here."-Finney asked confused.
"They were probably making out or something."-Gwen grinned and both she and Finney burst out laughing.
"Oh my god Gwen stop already for fucks sake."-i hid my face in my hands.
"What this is the truth. Just get together already."-she continued teasing us.
"NEVER!"-me and Robin yelled in sync. Is he....blushing? Whats happening?
"Look at yall being nervous."-Finney chuckled and Gwen nodded.
"I hate you so both so much."-i said angrily.
"Same."-Robin agreed.

I always did -Robin Arellano fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now