In love

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I got up at 6 am because i had to do my hair cuz it was a MESS.
One thing to know about me, is that i have curly hair and i hate it. It's hard to deal with it and i'm soo insecure about it. I don't like it i think i look hideous. So i always straighten it.
Not my favorite thing to do, but at least i look better.

----------Time skip----------

I was on my way to 4th period and i heard two people talking so i stopped to hear what they are saying. I was just curious. Well turns out i shouldn't have been.

"Have you heard that the Arellano kid got himself a girlfriend?"-one kid said.
"Oh shiiiit really?"-the other kid raised his eyebrows. "But who is the girl?"
"I don't know man."-he shrugged his shoulders.

I could feel my stomach drop. My heart sank and i started feeling nauseous. I'm having mixed feelings. I feel anger, disappointment, sadness and jealousy at the same time. Why the fuck do i care? I ran to the toilet and looked at myself in the mirror.
Am i really in love with him? Gwen and Finney was right all along? But why didn't i notice it? Maybe i was just used to saying that i hate him so much. Well what can i say maybe i do have feelings for him. Not maybe. For sure. I am in love with Robin Arellano.
Since when? I started thinking.
Since forever. I realised i always had feelings for him. That's bad. Like really really bad.

Few minutes later the bell rang and i ran to class, where i saw Robin sitting in his usual spot. And i am sitting next to him. We sit next to each other in every class.
I sat down next to him trying not to look at him. Not gonna lie, i was jealous.

"Whats up with the face dumbass?"-he asked.
"Nothing."-i mumbled.
"Well it doesn't look nothing."-he claimed.
"Everything is fine just leave me alone at least for once for fucks sake."-i replied in an annoyed tone.
"Okay geez."-he looked away.

This is going to be amazing.

After the bell rang i immediately grabbed my stuff and left the classroom as fast as possible cuz i didn't want Robin to talk to me. I'm not in the mood for talking to anyone.

"Hey Roxy!"-Gwen came up to me smiling.
"Hi."-i let out a forced smile.
"You okay?"-she asked worried.
"Sure."-i mumbled as i looked down.
"Doesn't seem like it. So whats going on?"
"Gwen its nothing i'm just really tired and i've had enough of everyone for today i wanna go home."-i lied.
"Oh yeah me too everbody is so annoying today."-she said shaking her head.
"Have you seen Finney?"-i tilted my head. I haven't seen him today."
"He was walking with Robin to his locker."-she replied.
"Oh okay...well i see ya later Gwenny."-i tapped her shoulder and smiled.

----------Time skip----------

"Roxanne Lee can you tell me the answer to question 7?"
Ahh fuck leave me alone dude. I hate history.
"It's just Roxanne and it's 1492."-i answered. He always calls me Lee and it's just annoying. Call me by my full name then.
"Good job, and i'll keep that in mind."-he smiled.
I was doodling because i was bored and i kinda zoned out but then came back to reality cuz Robin kept poking me with his pen.
"Poke me again with this shit and i swear to god i'm gonna shove it up in your ass."-i yelled but regretted it because the whole class heard me including the teacher.
"Roxanne Lee Blake, office, NOW."-he pointed at the door.
"Fine."-i said grabbing my stuff and storming out of the classroom. Before leaving, i glanced back at Robin who just looked at me with a suprised expression on his face.

"One more incident Roxanne and you're suspended.-Mr. Smith said.
"No, i don't want to hear it, everyday you are either acting violent, cuss in class or late. You had it coming."
"Not my problem, i only hurt people who deserve to be hurt."-i shrugged my shoulders.
"Violence is never the answer young lady."-he leaned back in his chair.
"But it is. I'm not gonna let my brother get bullied, someone has to stand up for him and protect him. And i cannot get suspended. I have to look out for him."

"Then behave yourself. I think you have serious anger issues. Last month you broke Jessica's nose because she was looking at you."
I rolled my eyes. "But Jessica is trashy whore and no, i don't have anger issues thats bullshit."-i said annoyed.
"First of all language, second of all if you don't want to attend therapy then control yourself. Are we clear?"-he asked.
"Sure."-i muttered.
"You can go now."-he sighed.
"Goodbye Mr. Smith."-i walked out of the office and the bell rang at the same time.

I always did -Robin Arellano fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now