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2 days later

Robin's pov

"How about you come over today?"-Finney asked me.
"Yeah sure. Does Roxanne approve it tho?"-i asked jokingly.
"I bet she would love to see you."-he grinned.
"I really don't think so i think she's mad at me."-i say.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean she's avoiding me and she also gives me lot of death glares."
"But yall always do that to each other. Why does it matter this time?"-he raised his eyebrows.
"Because it's different. Like she's mad at me for real. What did i do?"
"I don't know dude. Do you want me to ask her?-he offered.
"Oh my god yes please."
"Why do you care why she's angry at you? I think you have a little crush-..."
"Shut your goddamn mouth Finn."-i interrupted him. "I just can't annoy her that's all."-i shrugged my shoulders.
"Mhm okay if you say so."-he smirked.
"Yes, i do say."-i looked at him.

Roxanne's pov

"Roxanne Robin's coming over today."-Finney told me.
"Okay i don't give a shit i'll be in my room."
"No, you're gonna be in the living room with us and we're gonna watch a movie."-he stated.
"Uhhh no? I don't wanna be in the same room as him. I wanna be alone."-i say.
"Why are you avoiding him?"-Gwen asked.
"I'm not."
"Yessss you are."-Finn sat down next to me.
"What did he do?"
"Guys can yall leave me alone?"-i groaned.
"Tell me first."-he did not want to leave me alone. God.

"He is just an annoying prick. Now fuck off."-i claimed and i went out of the house.
I'll just walk around the neighborhood and i'll go home later. I thought.

Few hours later i decided to go home. It was almost dark so i assumed Robin went home already.
"I'm back."-i greeted them opening the door.
"Missed ya so much."-Robin said.
"Oh you're still here?"-i asked disappointed.
"It got late so i'm gonna spend the night."-he responded.
"Perfect."-i mumbled.
"Where is dad?"-i asked.
"Work."-Gwen answered.
"Still?"-i raised my eyebrows.
"Whatever i'll go to my room."-i started going upstairs.
"No. We are gonna go to our room and you and you- Finney pointed at me and Robin -are gonna talk about whatever's going on between yall because yall can't be on bad terms. Come on Gwenny."-he started dragging her.
"Nuh-uh."-i nicely declined and ran upstairs and locked my door.

I started thinking. Should i tell Finn? I mean Robin is his best friend. And Finney is my brother. Or should i tell Gwenny? I think i'm gonna tell her. But only if she asks. I mean i'm don't really like the fact that i'm in love with Robin but i feel like i have to talk about it. Suddenly a knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.

"Who is it?"-i asked waiting for an answer.
"It's me, Gwen. Can i come in?"
"Sure just let me unlock it." There, you can come now."- told her and i sit on the bed.
"What is that all about? You are acting really weird and not gonna lie i think it freaks out Robin too."
"Can i tell you something?"-i slowly looked at her.
"Yes of course, i'm your sister you can count on me."-she smiled and sat next to me.

"Don't freak out, don't yell and most importantly do NOT tell Finney. You got it?"
"Yes but now you're just scaring me. Spit it out already."
"I'm in love with Robin."-i blurted and she widened her eyes.
"Shhh i told you not to yell."-i put my hand on her mouth.
"Sorry sorry."- she said. I was just bugging you with this and i kinda knew but i am so suprised. Since when?"-she tilted her head.
"Always. I just never realised until now. I think it's because we bully and annoy each other all the time so i got used so saying that i'm fed up with him and that i hate him. I don't."
"Thank you for telling me. Now i understand your behavior."-she put one of hands on my shoulder.
I slighlty smiled.

It was so good finally telling someone. Such a relief.

I always did -Robin Arellano fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now