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One week later

It was a sunday evening and i was laying in bed thinking.
Next week Robin will finally be home at weekends so that means we could watch the movie we wanted to.
Did he remember? Or did he forget all about it? My thoughts were interrupted by someone opening my door.

"Robin? What are you doing here it's 8.30 pm."-i said suprised and sit up.
"I just wanted to ask if you wanna come over friday to watch Texas..?"-he asked nervously.
"Oh yeah. I thought you forgot about it."-i let out a nervous chuckle.
"How could i?"-i he slighlty smiled and sat down next to me.
"Why are we always mean to each other?"-he asked and leaned his head on the wall.
"You started it."-i said and sat a bit closer to him.
"What?"-he turned to face me.
"Kindergarten. Finney introduced us to each other and i was nice to you from the beginning but you were a jerk back then too. I was trying to be your friend for so long but you always turned me down so eventually i gave up and decided to be an asshole to you as well."-i claimed.
"Oh shit. I'm sorry amor."-he said sadly.

I froze when i heard him calling me amor. I looked at him flustered with widened eyes and i tilted my head in confusion.
"Fuck you know that one right?"-he slighlty blushed.
"Yes Robin. Everybody knows that one."-i giggled. "So amor right?"-i smacked his arm playfully.
"Shut up hermosa."
"You shut up hermoso."

"Robin you uncle is he-..."-Finney barged into my room. "Oh sorry to interrupt lovebirds but Robin your uncle is waiting for you.
"We are not lovebirds shithead."-i threw my pillow at him.
Robin mumbled something but i didn't hear it but Finney heard it i think and he laughed. Robin quickly gave him a shut the fuck up look and got up.
"See ya tomorrow dumbass."-he waved goodbye.
"Bye hermoso."-i smirked and waved back and Finney grinned.

Few moments later Finney came back to my room and started mocking me.
"Eww i hate Robin i would never date him."-he said in a high pitched voice.
"Shut your mouth douchebag."-i rolled my eyes.

Robin's pov

"Why are we always mean to each other?"-i asked and leaned my head against the wall.
"You started it."-Roxanne said and sat closer to me. Do i sit closer too? What do i do?
"What?"-i looked at her.
"Kindergarten. Finney introduced us to each other and i was nice to you from the beginning but you were a jerk back then too. I was trying to be your friend for so long but you always turned me down so eventually i gave up and decided to be an asshole to you as well."-she said. Holy shit she's right it's all my fault. I feel really bad. I can't tell her that the reason i'm rude it's because i have feelings for her. Like i'm in love with her. I just didn't want her to find out and i thought if i act mean i won't have feelings for her anymore. She's also my best friends sister. But i'm struggling to hide my feelings. I love her. And i feel really bad for treating her shitty.
"Oh shit. I'm sorry amor."-i said sadly.

She froze, became flustered, widened her eyes and tilted her head in confusion.
I realised that she knows what amor means. Oh fuck.
"Fuck, you know that one right?"-i asked and i felt my cheeks heating up.
"Yes Robin. Everybody knows that one."-she giggled. "So amor right?"-she playfully smacked my arm.
"Shut up hermosa."-i said.
"You shut up hermoso."-at least she doesn't know that one.

"Robin you uncle is he-..."-Finney barged into Roxanne's room. "Oh sorry to interrupt lovebirds but Robin your uncle is waiting for you."
"We are not lovebirds shithead."-Roxanne threw pillow at him.
"Yet."-i mumbled and i was praying that she didn't hear what i said, but Finney did and he laughed so i gave him a shut the fuck up look and got up.
"See ya tomorrow dumbass."-i waved goodbye.
"Bye hermoso."-she smirked and waved back.

I always did -Robin Arellano fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now