Suits you tho

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2 days later

Me and Robin are sitting in our last period and we can't wait to go home. Math sucks. I am so damn bored, the teacher is talking about some stuff and nobody gives a fuck.
I was copying the board when i noticed that Robin passed me a note.
I opened it.

Still up for friday?

I answered.

He passed me another note.

Do you have the answer for 3?

I rolled my eyes.

You can't be that dumb can ya?

Just give it to me dumbass

It's 986 assface
I smiled while sliding the note back.

What are you smiling at?
He wrote.

I'm not

Suits you tho

I widened my eyes. NO WAY IN HELL THAT MF THINKS THAT. I blushed. I definitely look like a tomato. Holy fuck.

Shut up fuckface you suck at complimenting

I quickly slid the paper back while staring at the desk.

I still made you blush didn't i?

Robin just admit you have feelings for me
I teased.

Bitch you wish

Still got ya flustered didn't i?

I looked at him and i could tell he got nervous.

Shut the fuck up slut

I giggled. He got annoyed. I decided to tease him even more.

Yeah, yeah "hermoso"....dumbass right?

His eyes widened in shock.

You know what it means???????

I've known for a while now
So you think i'm pretty hermoso?

He looked like a tomato as well. I got what i wanted.

Stop it

Awww look at you being nervous...kinda cute

I'm bout to turn off friday

Oh my god he can't do that.

NO NO NO I WANNA SEE THE MOVIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I paniced.

Calm down i can give you the DVD..or do you wanna watch it with me?

Of course i wanna watch it with you. Instead of answering i just circled the
"watch it with me."

I knew it dummy you're obsessed

Oh yes i am.

Nah you're the one who's obssesed

Never said i wasn't right?
I read and i gasped. My jaw hit the goddamn floor. I folded the note really fast and dropped it into my bag, then i put my head down and waited until the bell rang. After last period ended i sprinted home because i didn't want to interact with Robin since i got extremely nervous.

I got home, so i went into my room, locked the door and hopped onto my bed. Eventually i fell asleep and woke up to Gwen shaking me up.

"Roxyyy waaaakeee uuuppp!!"-she said.
"Why?"-i mumbled half asleep.
"Your boyfriend is here. He wants to talk to you."-she stated.
"WHAT?"-i screamed and my heart started pounding.
"Did something happen today?"-she looked at me confused because of my reaction.
"THIS happened."-i showed her the note i dropped in my bag earlier.
"Now i understand everything."-she nodded. "Girl he's in love with you."
"I hope."

Someone knocked on my door. I looked at Gwenny. And then Robin came inside. Gwen smirked before she walked out. I mouthed "don't leave me alone" but that brat did.
"You look sleepy."-he said and sat down.
"Gwen literally just woke me up from a nap."-i rolled my eyes.
"I see. Hey why did you ran away after school? Is it because i made you nervous?"-he grinned. I'm gonna wipe that smile down once.
"Shut up Arellano."-i scoffed.
He laughed.
"Alright alright."-he giggled.
"I came over to ask for help with math homework."-he said.
"Boy it's easy as hell what part you don't get? Okay take out your notebook and let me help you."
"It's hard."
"Yeah yeah okay."

3 hours later

"You are a tough one to crack you know that?"-i said jokingly.
"Whatever nerd at least i get it know."-he laughed.
"I'm not a nerd assface."-i gently elbowed him.
He laughed and then went silent. He started staring down at me. He then smirked and looked at the ground. I was confused as hell but as soon as i looked down i saw what he was staring at and i felt my cheeks heating up. His bandana is wrapped around my belt. Now what. What do i say? Or do? Well thats embarrassing.
"Okay you are obsessed now for sure."-he giggled.
"No i'm not."
"Yesssss you are."
"You are the one who's obssesed dipshit."-i said annoyed.
"I never said i wasn't dumbass."-he grinned.

Bitch. Why are you doing this to me.

I always did -Robin Arellano fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now