My asshole

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It was 7 am and i woke up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and i had red puffy eyes. I fell asleep crying so no suprise. How i feel? Empty. Shitty. Sad. Angry. Anxious. Scared.
After brushing my teeth i walked back into my room and put on my jeans and tank top and then looked at my table. I saw his bandana. I wrapped it around my belt as usual and i grabbed my bag and walked downstairs holding back my tears.

"Morning."-Gwen and Finney said giving me a small smile.
"Morning."-i mumbled.

We started walking to school and we saw a poster of another missing kid. Guess whose it is. Robin's. Tears started filling my eyes and eventually i started crying. Gwen tried to comfort me but couldn't. Finney dragged me away from the poster.

We arrived to school and everyone's eyes is on us. They probably know about Robin.
"What the fuck are yall staring at bitches? Don't yall have a life?"-i spat angrily. They quickly looked away. Good. I thought. If someone tries to fuck with either me or my siblings, the person will end up in hospital and i will be either suspended or expelled.
I'm not in the mood for assholes. The only asshole i want to deal with is Robin. My asshole.

"Awwwww your little friend got kidnapped?"-i heard Buzz talking to Finney. I'm at my locker.
"Leave me alone fucker."-Finney said.
"What did you just say?"-Buzz took a few steps closer to my twin brother.

"Alright thats it."-i mumbled to myself, dropped my bag, put my hair in a bun and walked up to them.
"Whats your problem dickhead?"-i asked.
"Oh wow you're here as well thats just amazing. You know your boyfriend deserved to be kidnapped he's a fucking jerk."-he spat.
My blood started boiling and i got furious.
"NOBODY TALKS SHIT ABOUT HIM!"-i yelled and threw a punch. He fell against the lockers and then i grabbed him and smacked him against the lockers several times. Then i dropped him to the ground and started kicking, and punching him everywhere i could. I could here the ooooo and the hit him from the crowd.
His blood was everywhere, on the ground, on his clothes and on my clothes as well.
I was interrupted by the principal.

Before i left i made sure nobody fucks with Finney or Gwenny.
"First, i am not done with you motherfucker."-i pointed at Buzz. "Second, if anyone says some shit about Robin, Finn or Gwen i make sure school will be a living hell each of you."

16 minutes later

"Do you really want to get suspended again?"-Mr. Smith asked annoyed.
"No."-i said quietly and looked down.
"What happened?"-he asked.
"Buzz was picking on Finney and then he said some shit about Robin."-i tried to hold back my tears.
"I am really sorry about Robin. I understand why you did that. And you know what. I'm gonna act like nothing happened and don't worry, i'm gonna take care of Buzz and the other ones who bully Finney."
I looked at him. "You would do that?"-i asked suprised.
"Yes of course. You can go now."- he gave me a smile.
"Thank you so much Mr. Smith."

----------Time skip----------

I was sitting in math class. It was so boring without Robin. I wish he would sit next to me and annoy me. I miss him so much. I wish i could help him. I wish i could see him.

3 days later

It's been 4 days. I'm a total mess. My hands are shaking all the time, i'm nervous in my stomach all day, i'm anxious and i cry when i'm alone. I can't and don't want to do this anymore. I'm exhausted. I've decided that i'm gonna take stuff in my hands and i'm gonna go search for him. I know it's a dumb idea but i need Robin.

"Hey guys."-i went to the living room.
"Hi."-my siblings said.
"Hey sweetie."-dad smiled. "How are you?"-he asked concerned.
"Shitty. Guys i'll go and search for Robin."
"WHAT?"-Finney yelled.
"No you are not, you are staying."-dad ordered.
"I can't sit around and do nothing."-i said angrily.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous is that dumb idea of yours?"-Gwen asked.
"I'm fully aware and i don't care."-i shrugged my shoulders and started putting my shoes on.
"You are staying here young lady and not going anywhere. Listen to your sister you could get kidnapped."-dad said.
"I don't care."-tears filled my eyes again.
"Well we do so up in your room. Now."-he pointed at the stairs.
I rolled my eyes and went upstairs, slammed the door behind me and sat down in my bed.

----------Time skip----------

It's 2 am. I can't sleep. I still in my clothes i was wearing yesterday. I should've taken a shower but i didn't have the strength. I decided to go outside and look for any evidence that could help. Stupid as fuck idea but i want to see Robin.

I grabbed my pocket knife and slowly went downstairs. Thankfully everybody was snoring. I could hear dad's snore too. Good.

I quietly opened the door and went outside. I started walking towards Robin's house. And then i remembered that the day he got kidnapped, he went to buy me flowers. I know which flower shop he was walking to, so i starting walking towards the shop. I was wondering. Is he okay? What if he's dead? I really hope he is not. He can't be dead.

I'm here and found nothing. Only some black rubber stuff on the ground and at first i was confused but later i realised that this is a black ballon. I mean was. So Robin was kidnapped here. But where to go now?

I decided to walk around in the neighborhood because who knows, maybe Robin is in one of the houses i walked in front of like a million times.

As i was walking, i suddenly saw a black van coming in my direction.
My eyes widened. Oh i'm fucked.
I wanted to turn around and ran away but the van was obviously faster.
It stopped and a weird looking man got out. The Grabber. It's him for sure. I slowly reached for my pocket knife.

"What are you doing alone so late? It's past 2 am."-he asked nicely.
"Mind your own damn business fuckhead."-i spat.
"Need a ride home?"-he asked.
"Need you to leave me alone dicksucker."
He opened the van and i started running away as i saw black ballons.
"You think you can ran away?"-he caught me.

"Let me go motherfucker!"-i started punching, biting and kicking but nothing helped. Then i cut him with my knife but he kicked me in the stomach and i fell to the ground.
"You are as stubborn as the boy your age i got last time."-he laughed.
He was talking about Robin. That motherfucker. "What did you do to him?"-i asked but got no answer. "Is he alive?"-i asked another question.
"Why don't you find out yourself huh?"-he chuckled.
I was dizzy, i couldn't even scream for help.
I felt him picking me up and taking me to the van but hit im in the throat, which made him drop me and i quickly got up but then he got me again and sprayed me with some stuff. I started feeling sleepy and few seconds later everything went black.

I always did -Robin Arellano fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now