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It's been a few days since i found out what hermosa meant and since then i look at Robin a bit different. Can you blame me tho? The last thing i expected from Robin is him calling me beautiful. Maybe he has feelings for me. But nah it can't be.

Currently i was in a bad mood. No reason it was just not my day.
To make my day even worse some fuckhead bumped into me and i dropped my stuff.

"Watch yourstep fat fuck."-i spat.
"Aren't you that fags sister?"-he laughed and kicked one of my books away when i wanted to pick it up. That was it.

"What the fuck did you say?"-i yelled.
"You heard it. Finney's a fucking little fag."
Without hesitation i swung. He tried to swung back but missed, cuz i grabbed his arm and kicked him in the nuts. He groaned in pain as he fell to the ground. I started kicking him wherever i could and then i kneeled down and punched him until i saw blood. Before i was able to stand up, i felt a sharp pain in my arm and then, i saw Robin beating the shit out of the ginger boy. I looked at my arm and it was bleeding. That fuckface cut me. Shit. Everyone was looking at me, some people's jaw hit the floor, some people gasped, some just stood there and looked.
"Do yall wanna end up like this motherfucker?"-i pointed at the ground. "If not, get the fuck outta here." And with that, everybody left.

"Hermoso i think you can finish."-i stepped closer.
"Fine."-he groaned.
"If yall dare to snitch yall gonna end up so much worse. I was gentle."-Robin said.
Both of them got up and ran away. Bunch of pussies.
"Come to the toilet we have to clean you up."-he pointed at my arm.
The toilet is close so thats good.

"This gonna hurt."-he took out alcohol and cotton.
"Oh fuck no you ain't putting that on me."-stepped back.
"But i will or it's gonna get infected."
"Fine. Be careful at least."-i rolled my eyes.
"I'll try."-he mumbled.
"Uhhh fuuuuck that hurts!"-i hissed in pain.
"Sorry sorry."-he said
"Do u have bandage?"-he asked.
"No i don't have anything with me, why?"
"I have to put something around your arm."-he started thinking.
"You know what?"-he said as he took his bandana down.
"That'll do it."-he sighed.
"Woah but you don't let anyone touch your bandanas, also you don't give them to anyone."-i raised my eyebrows.
"I think i'll survive a few hours without it, i have a lot at home anyway."-he said and wrapped his bandana around my arm. I hissed.
"Thank you, but you didn't have to."-i said.
"Yeah i know. But i wanted to."-he nodded. "Are you okay?"-he asked a little bit concerned.
"Yeah. Are you?"
"Mhm. You almost made that fuck pass out. Impressive."-he chuckled.
"This happens when someone fucks with my siblings."-i giggled.
"Was it about Finn?"
I nodded.
"I don't think he's gonna look at him again."-he told me.
"He better not."-i sighed.

We were sitting at history when the principal came in. Me and Robin looked at each other. We are fucked.

"Excuse me for interrupting your lesson Mr. Johnson, may i steal Roxanne Lee Blake?"-he asked.
"Sure go ahead. Roxanne you heard him.
"I'm gonna get suspended."-i whispered Robin as i grabbed my stuff and left with Mr. Smith.

The walk to the office was awkward as fuck. I could feel he was angry. I am so fucked.
"Take a seat please."-he ordered.
"I think you know why you are here."-he looked at me with a disapproving look.
"Yes Mr. Smith."-i looked down.
"I'm not even gonna ask any questions. You're suspended. For a week."
"He was saying bad stuff about my brother."
"What exactly?"
"That his a fucking little fag. He also bumped into me and i dropped my stuff and kicked it away when i wanted to pick it up."
"Listen Roxanne, i think you are a sweet girl, and i totally understand why you did, what you did, and i respect it that you care and protect your siblings because not a lot of people would do that for the people they love."-he stated. "But last time you were here we talked about this. Now listen, don't feel bad, but change your behavior okay? You're gonna be home, you can think and after you leave i'm gonna call your father.
"You can finish the rest of your day and you can come back next friday. Are we clear?"-he asked.
"Yes sir."
"Good. You can leave now. See you next week.
"Yes, goodbye."

Dad's gon be reaaal mad. One week break. That not so bad tho.
I came back to class and sat down.
"What happened?"-Robin whispered in my ear. I got chills. I hate how he makes me feel. I hate i get nervous because of him. I hate him.
"As i predicted. I got suspended. He told me i can finish this day and i can come back next friday.
"Damn that sucks."-he said suprised.
"Look out for Finney."-i ordered.
"I will don't worry."
"And please give me the notes too."
"I will."-he nodded.
"Why are you so nice it's weird i haven't heard any insults in forever."-i said.
"Shut up dumb bitch i'm trying to pay attention but i can't cuz u won't stop yapping."-he said annoyed. I kinda missed his insults.
"You started talking to me first assface."
He didn't say anything but i could see a little smile forming on his face.

----------Time skip----------

"YOU GOT SUSPENDED??"-dad yelled.
"Apparently."-i shrugged my shoulders.
"I did the right thing."
"Yeah beat up a kid so bad his parents had to take him to the hospital."
"He deserved it. He was calling Finney a fag. At least he's never gonna look at him again. And i'm also hurt."-i pointed at my arm.
"Did you have to go to the hospital?"-my dad asked annoyed.
"No but one of the boys cut me with a fucking knife i was bleeding badly."
"I understand you wanted to protect Finney but you cannot get in trouble everytime. You're gonna get expelled. You don't want that do you?"-he rubbed my cheek.
"No i don't. And i'm sorry."-i said in a sad tone.
"It's okay honey come here."-he pulled me into a hug.
"IS THAT ROBIN'S BANDANA???"-Gwen screamed.
I pulled away and tried to cover my arm.
"No it's not."-i blushed.
"OH MY GOOOD IT IS AND IT'S HIS FAVORITE ONE."-Finney said jumping around.
"Guys stop teasing her."-dad laughed.
"How do you know it's his favorite?"i frowned.
"He told me the black one is his favorite and he would never let anyone touch it. He would kill for that bandana. He's obssesed with you."-he grinned and i became flustered.

I always did -Robin Arellano fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now