Because i love him

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Next morning

Me, Finney and Gwen were outside waiting for Robin. We have been waiting for at least 15 minutes.
I'm starting getting worried.

"Where the fuck is he?"-Finney sighed.
"I don't know but lets go because first period i'm having a test and i want to learn!"-Gwen said annoyed.
"You should've learnt yesterday and no we are not going unless Robin is here."
"Worried about you're boyfriend ain't ya?"-Finney smirked.
"Shut up he's not my boyfriend and i'm not worried."-i rolled my eyes.
"You do wear his bandana."-he shrugged his shoulders.
"Whatever."-i looked away.
"Come on Roxy i'm sure he's fine maybe he just went to school earlier like a few weeks ago when he was fighting Moose."-Gwen stated.
"Yeah you're right."-i nodded.

And with that we started walking towards school and i couldn't get my mind off of Robin. What if he...? No that's not possible. I mean he's Robin Arellano, he's literally a fighter he's the bravest and toughest kid i know.

We got to school, said goodbye and i walked to first period. I had english. And as always i'm sitting next to Robin. I mean i was supposed to. When i was walking to class i was praying so hard that he's in here sitting on his chair. Only to find out he wasn't. The bell rang and he was still nowhere to be found. Maybe he's late. I turned to look at his seat next to me and i sighed. Please Robin just come right in.

First period ended and Robin was still not present. Where is he? I went to find Finney.

"Hey Finney!"-i said while trying to catch my breath.
"Hey Roxanne you okay?"-he looked at me concerned.
"Robin is nowhere."-i said.
"What?"-he asked a bit scared.
"What if he got kidna...-"
"No he didn't."-Finney cut me off.
"No buts, he didn't."-he stated. "He's Robin Arellano. Nobody fucks with him. Maybe he's just sick."
My eyes lit up. "Oh my god i didn't even think of that! You're right Finney."-i patted him on his shoulder.

----------Time skip----------

We were walking home from school but i had this really really bad gut feeling about Robin. I was anxious during the whole day so i decided to go to his house.
"Hey guys i'll go to Robin's and see whats up with him and give him the notes."-i said.
"Okay be safe while coming home."-Finney said.

I was extremely nervous as i opened the gate and walked towards the door. I knocked. His uncle opened the door and i already could tell something is wrong.
"Hello Roxanne whats up?"-he asked kindly.
"Hi Tim is Robin in here?"-i asked hoping.
"Come inside."-he invited me in.
"He didn't come home yesterday. I mean he came home after he was at your house but then he went somewhere and didn't come back."-he said shaking.
I suddenly started feeling nauseous. This can't be....
"No no no this cannot be real."-i said nervously.
"Where did he go?"-i tilted my head.
"This is the saddest part. He wanted to go buy some flowers for you."-he looked at me and gave me a said smile.
"Flowers for me? Holy fuck!"-i slapped my forehead and started tearing up.
"You probably have no idea and i can see why but he's so in love with you. He loves you so much Roxanne. For years. He didn't want you to find out so thats why he was mean to you. He also didn't know how to deal with those feelings. But everytime he came home from school he wouldn't shut up about you. And recently yall started getting along so he wanted to make a move. He was so excited to give you flowers today. I never seen him this happy before. You mean so much to him sweetheart."-he stroked my arm.

I started crying. No way in hell. He just wanted to buy me flowers and he's missing now. I can't imagine how he felt when the grabber got him.

I said goodbye to his uncle and started walking home.

I was crying histerically as i opened the door.
"Hey what happened are you okay?"-Finney ran up to me.
"He never came home."-i cried.
"What?"-Finney's eyes widened.
"His uncle told me after he arrived home from our house he went out to buy ME some flowers and he never came home."-i cried even harder.
"Holy fuck."-Gwen slapped her forehead.
"Oh my..."-Finney sat down.
"His uncle also told me that he was so excited to give me those flowers. He just wanted flowers dude."-i sobbed.
"He loves you.."-Finney said sadly.
"I know. His uncle told me.
"Weird question but why does it hurt you so much? I thought you hated him."-Finney asked while wiping some tears away from his eyes.
"Because i love him!"-tears rolled down my cheeks again.
"Yes. I love him so much and we just started getting along somehow. He wasn't actually on my nerves in the past days. And we also wanted to watch Texas on friday."
"Gwen did you know?"-Finn asked.
She nodded.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I'm sorry Finney i was afraid you might tell him cuz he's your best friend."-i said.
"He admitted to me that he loves you. I only would've told him that you loved him so he can make a move."
"We will never see him again right?"-i looked at Finney and Gwen.
"Hey. We will okay? Now stop crying, he would bully and beat the fuck out of you if he saw yall crying because of him."-Gwen said confidentally.
"You're right."-Finney said and wiped away his tears.
"Nobody saw the kids ever again who got kidnapped."-i shrugged my shoulders.
"Robin isn't just a kid. He's a fighter."-Finney said.
"I know bu..-"
"There are no buts Roxanne."-Finney shook his head.
"What if i never see him again? I will never be able to tell him that i love him. We won't be able to date."-i cried again.
" will see him again, you will tell him how you feel and last but not least yall will be able to date and watch texas as many times as yall want to okay?"-Gwen put her hand on my shoulder.

----------Time skip----------

I am laying in my bed and crying silently. Oh how i wish i was the one the grabber got. How did Robin got kidnapped in the first place? And there's a huge chance that i will never see him again. Or not how i want to.
Lot of things were going on my head but later i fell asleep.

I always did -Robin Arellano fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now