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how do i carve help into the world when there is no help to be given?
help isn't a choice, you can't cure what others have done to you, you can move on and heal but the trauma will never go away, it will always be there, sitting in the back of your head .
i scream endlessly and cry when i realize the abyss that grows inside of me will only get stronger by the day.
How do I cry out for help I desperately desire without seeming like an attention seeker?
Was I made of bad stardust?
Did the stars go dim on the night I was born?
Did the butterflies so into hiding?
Did the moon shine less?
Did the world dim because of ME?
Was I the disaster?
How can I possibly cry for help if my mouth doesn't let the words come out?
Am I what others make me out to be?
Was I ever really 'ME'?

Word Count; 164

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