i understood you didn't love me anymore so i ran, i ran until my legs gave out, i ran until my lungs ran out of oxygen, i ran until my body begged me to stop, i ran until my body collapsed onto the ground, scraping my knees and palms and i couldn't lift myself anymore.
i ran, until i physically couldn't anymore.
i ran until my brain screamed at me to stop.
i ran until my mother begged me to come home, i ran until my sisters wanted me home, i ran until mother told me it was okay to take a pit stop,
she said it's okay to let go of things no longer serving you,
you made me heart light up but in that moment, you made my life seem bitter and dull, tragic and cruel.
she proved me wrong, made me believe again,
finally, i stopped running from the truth.Word Count; 156
Unspoken (Emotional Creative Writing)
PuisiThese stories are around grief and deep categories, if you feel the topics may make you uncomfortable, please check out the possible triggers chapter