Chapter 2

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My alarm has been ringing continuously for the last half hour, but I can't get myself to stop it. I wasn't able to get proper sleep again last night because of the paranoia of someone watching me plus I was busy concocting my plan. I should go grab my coffee and start with everything as soon as possible because I can't risk more people dying in the meantime. With black bags of sleeplessness under my eyes I stood up, turned off my alarm, freshened up and started heading towards the coffee shop I was regular at.

It was 8 am right now and I was thinking about the man I bumped into at the very same place and having been killed, I was as cautious as possible to not even look at someone in eye fearing they may die after next 72 hours after having an eye contact with me. I reached the counter ordered my regular and was sitting in a far, lone corner of the place waiting for my name to be called when I saw a policeman heading towards me. I tried to ignore him, but he came and stood right in front of me and stretched his hand towards me "Hey, my name is Kalib Rich". I neither took his hand nor answered him, I was just glaring at him wishing for him to go back because I didn't want him dead too, he's too good looking and young to die. After a minute he took the chair in front of me and sat down right there "I'm sorry to bother you but this is about the murder case I am investigating right now, and we were told that he was a regular here and so are you. I also saw CCTV footage of you both taken around 3 days ago where you bumped into him, and he said something to you. From which we concluded that you might have killed him in the rage of something he may have said and also not too long ago you were one of the people questioned when one of your superior at work Mr.Chad died and you even investigated during Liam's case so you have been involved in three murders though not directly but yes, so you're one of the suspects but we don't have any solid proof against you so your cooperation is really necessary. So, if you won't mind answering some questions it will be of great help for you, for me and for the dead too".
I processed everything he said and nodded my head in yes, I'll answer some questions, to which he started-

"Do you both know each other as you both are regular here and may have seen or talked to each other plenty of times?".

"No, I don't even know the name of the person you're talking about and only just remembered him when you mentioned someone bumping into me."

"His name's Michel, haven't you both ever talked to each other because you must have seen each other a lot of times being regular?"

"No, we never talked to each other, and I've not even seen him as often as you are assuming because I am minding my own business almost always and only socialize if necessary or maybe we come at different time intervals."

"Did you not watch the news of his death aired last evening?"

"I did watch the news of someone being murdered same as Mr. Chad last night, but I didn't even remember that it was the same person who bumped into me some days ago."

"Thank you miss for the clarification. May I have your good name"

"Lily Rose"

"Have a nice day, Miss. Lily. We'll meet again if I'll have some more questions regarding the case, I hope you don't mind. Thank you for your cooperation."

He'll not kill Kalib too, right? Kalib didn't hurt me after all. Yes, I was suspected of being a possible murderer, but the accusation was too shallow and also every case has suspects not like he hurt me in any way. I hope- "Miss. Lily" I heard my name being called to take my order.
"coming" I got up took my coffee and was on my way back home when I saw Kalib talking to more people. I hope he'll be fine, after all he didn't do anything. And even if he's going to set his eyes on Kalib next, I just need to speed up, find him and kill him before he can hurt Kalib too. That means I have 3 days. I need to find him before next 72 hours before he can kill Kalib too.

I reached home and went to the bathroom sticking all the pieces of information I had on him and some of my theories about him on one of the bathroom walls. I was only thinking about where to start my investigation from when I heard the ping of my phone, which made a shiver run through my body. Is it him again? Did he see what I was doing? No, it can't be! But he has always been keeping an eye on everything I'm ever doing, but he has never crossed the line of watching me take bath, he has certainly described his desires in vast details of doing so but has never, but what if he did now? And saw all this? What would he do to me? Will he laugh at my stupidity at trying to decipher who he is? Or will he kill me too? He says I'm his obsession, his love, his reason to live, his Golden Lily but once a killer always a killer, doesn't mean he wouldn't kill me if I'm trying to find him and kill him. I was trembling and thinking about all these things as I reached to pick up and open my phone. Unknown number. It's him! It's him!!! I was on the verge of having a panic attack as I opened the contact to see the message.

"You've been spending a lot of time in the bathroom these days my Golden Lily. But don't worry I won't be taking away the only personal space you have. Not yet at least."

I cringed at the nickname again and sighed of relief at the same time that he doesn't know what I'm up to yet. I was wondering, hovering my thumb above the keypad thinking if I should ask and confirm if - I heard another ping and saw another message appear.

"But don't get me wrong I want to see you all bare and shining like the Golden lily you are and touch the soft petals of the flower that is your skin until I memorize all of you, and my patience is running thinner and thinner with the passage of time. So, soon my Golden Lily. You'll be in my arms with me soon."

I feel like wanting to vomit, the inside of my stomach is churning but I want to ask him. No! I need to ask him if he's going to kill Kalib too. I don't know if he'll reply because he never does, no matter if I ask him to stop or to kill me instead or why is he doing this to me he never answers. But I need to know and the least I can do is ask because the only way for me to find out is by asking him as I don't know what he thinks or how his modus operandi operates because it's not like he has killed all my coworkers too and I don't know who he is. So, I need to ask for now. Taking a deep breath trying to calm my nerves I typed down

"Will you kill Kalib too?"

The reply was instant not leaving a lot of room for me to ponder about everything

"I don't like how you're worrying about him. Tell me, have you caught feelings for that officer?"

"No, I haven't I just don't want any more people dying because of me that's all."

"If that's the case I won't be killing him but if I saw you getting close to him I certainly will."

"I won't."

"You're smart and know what to do and what not to do. That's one of the many reasons I love you my Golden Lily."

I sighed in relief at the information that Kalib will not be dying but one thing I understand is I need to keep my distance from him as much as possible for his wellbeing. I waited, no more messages came so I just spent a bit more time on my search for my stalker and finally went to sleep. I fall asleep thinking and pondering about all the possibilities of who he could be. A tech master because yes, I have been to professionals about the unknown messages, but they were never able to find any track of who he may be. A wealthy person who can pay others for these things like covering his traces. A skilled detective or something similar because he has been following me without making his presence noticeable at all. A wealthy person again who can hire someone to follow me. The possibilities seem to be endless, but I need to start with something. I should start with A tech genius. I'll start searching for information about as many tech geniuses as possible tomorrow. I fell asleep with the goal of what to do the next day.

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