Chapter 4

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I have been recently appointed for the investigation of the ongoing serial murders that have been going on for around 3 months and the killer seems to have an eerie way of killing, the victims are so random having no connection to each other at all no matter how hard I try to dig in, even the timing of death has no pattern at all, nothing comes up except for the girl I don't want to think about.

She felt unreal, so beautiful even beauty asks her to lend the beauty to be defined as the word beautiful itself.

'Lily', such a beautiful name for such an irresistibly stunning girl, her eyes stared at me, and I felt like she saw beyond me, had me under her control, bewitched me, her gaze made me forget that the world beyond her even exists, I never felt like this for anyone in my whole life.

But the thing that made me most baffled was that she seemed like she was trying to fight some demons, her eyes were conflicted, wary, hyper aware of her surroundings like she was on a look out for some wild animal that may pounce upon and eat her up at any given second.

What was she afraid of? I don't know. Do I want to know? Yes, I do want to know.

I want to save her from whatever she is trying to be saved from, on a look out for.

I have never been the type to save a damsel in distress, hell she didn't even looked like she would want to be helped even while hanging off a cliff, I chuckeld to myself 'fiesty'.

But there is something about her that makes me want to protect her and take care of her, keep her with me, keep her as mine just mine, mine to look at, mine to talk to, mine to touch, mine to have, 'Just Mine'.

I have been sitting on my chair trying to figure out anything possible about the killer wanting to have any possible leads, but I haven't been able to focus on anything but her she hasn't left my mind since I saw her today I had never felt this drawn to someone before. Never.

I stood up from the chair and called my brother Ryl and my best friend Kalib to meet me at our usual spot.

I need to clear my mind and concentrate on my case, and nothing helps better than a race.

I reached the racing tracks in about half an hour and found both Ryle and Kalib waiting for me all dressed up in their suits, helmets on, perched upon their bikes. Ryle waved at me as I reached them and said "My- my mister always first is last today, you're buying food, we need to celebrate your very first last arrival."

I put on my helmet giving him a disgusted look. I sat on my bike and ignited the bike's engine "I'll treat you to food and even drinks if you'll be able to cross the line before I do so."

"If that's the case then I don't want food, but I want you to dance wearing a tutu on the song of my choice." both Ryle and Kalib laughed aloud.


Ryle cocked up his brow "Which track and how many laps are we talking about?"

"Longest, 5 laps" Ryle is my twin but have a personality exact opposite of mine but can act like me so well even I would question myself for not being the real Kyle.

Would she have fallen for him? 'What the fuck.' What is wrong with me? fallen? I'm. thinking about love? I seriously need to get her out of my mind before I go completely insane.

We all took our positions on the start line and sped as the buzzer rang. I was exhilarated, I never feel more alive than when I ride my bike, it's like talking to the winds themselves, leaving every burden and responsibility behind riding faster than them, going towards my freedom feeling free with them chasing after me and moving forward towards my own bliss defying even the death, worry-free of any possible injury, because in this moment I have already reached the pure ecstasy that no one can take away from me.

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