Chapter 6

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I woke up and my eyes moved towards the clock on their own "2 p.m.!!!". I'm shocked how I even slept this long, after all that has started to happen to me, I haven't been able to sleep peacefully, and I slept this long, and I actually feel good was it because of the orgasm I got?



"Oh! No no no no no no."

"This can't be happening!"

"No no no no no no , it just can't be."

"It must have had been just a dream! Yes, A DREAM and nothing else! After all I'm not even wearing the clothes, I was in yesterday!"

"Calm down Lily it was just a dream Kyle couldn't have! Not to me!!!"

I stood up on shaky legs and went to take a hot bath to relive my nerves firing in all directions making me all sweaty.

Turning on the tap, removing my clothes, zeroing on the board I made to find the identity of my stalker, spacing out, water still running filling up the bath tub, mind blank, standing on the edge of a cliff looking down to the bold cold waves of water big enough to drown me whole and end my misery, just one step and I'll be swept by these cold dark waves, no trace of my existence ever to be found, dead, drowned, fish food....

Something warm and wet hit my feet and I came back to reality, in my bathroom, water at the base of my foot, my gaze moved towards the bathtub then the tap and I hurried to turn off the tap not caring about all the water around I just decided to take a bath first and think everything else later.

Submerging my whole body inside the warm water and letting it work its magic, I leaned my head back, closed my eyes thinking about good things in my life like Sofi....Jay...

I came out of the bathroom full of determination to find my stalker as soon as possible and end it all for good, there was no time for coffee now, so I just toasted some bread and made myself cereal milk. While eating I started to miss everyone so much, so I decided to call mum, I took my phone, clicked on the power button and as the screen lit up I all but froze.

"2 undead messages from unknown"

I gulped down the food inside my mouth to not throw it up as I slowly unlocked my phone failing to put in the correct password multiple times before I finally got it right. I opened the messages...they are from last night....


"I'm making you mine and I won't be waiting any longer for you my Golden Lily, be ready for me. I'll put the ring in your finger three days from now, count the days my Golden Lily. We'll be celebrating together the death of the man that dared to put his hands and mouth on you today.

Kyle Caine's death will be remembered as the day of out engagement. As my promise to you that you'll forever and ever belong to me and no one else and a lesson to you, that what happens to someone you let put their hands on you because you belong to me. You're MINE."

I felt all the color in me leaving out my body leaving me white, cold, deprived of life but still breathing. The phone slipped from my hands and landed with a soft thud on the table exact opposite to the way my heart is thudding inside my ribs as if it doesn't even want to stay inside anymore, my stomach churned and I ran towards the toilet spilling out everything I ate, after I felt I won't even be able to throw up anything anymore I went back towards the table where my phone lied wanting to verify if what I read is actually true or I'm in some kind of nightmare or maybe hallucinating because even hallucination or a nightmare is better than this.

I held my phone with shaky hands opening the messages again and, "still here"

It was real, it actually happened! Kyle was here, I had an orgasm and my stalker saw it all and now he'll kill Kyle too. I read and reread it again and again wanting it to disappear but instead of disappearing it only became bigger and bigger, more vivid, more clear, more REAL.

My brain finally registered reality and this time not just my phone, but I too went down to the ground with a loud thud. I didn't even feel any pain but fear of the terrifying reality, horror of what is to happen, panic that's about to set in me, dismay I'll be in, agitation of how helpless I'm and dread that is surrounding me slowly creeping inside of me


I frantically try to dust off all the black creeping up and seeping in my body

"No no no"

I glanced at the phone, a cloud of thick black smoke coming out of it and molding into a monster, I no longer even care about the black engulfing me and seeping it me because I'm so terrified of the monster in front of me, It looked at me and I know I just know it's my stalker, the monster doesn't have any facial features but I know it's him I can feel it in me, in the shaking of my body, in the thundering of my heart , in the dryness of my throat, it's him, it smiled at me and it became more of the truth, the certainty, that he's here for me and now at any moment it'll take me with him and kill Kyle.

"No" I crawled back still looking at the monster

"Please, let him live" I pleaded as the river of tears started flowing down my eyes, red tears, on the black I have become.

It smiled

"No please don't kill him please I'll do anything you'll ask me too" I crawled back again as I pictured everything happening right now right in front of my eyes, Kyle is here and my stalker monster is killing him cutting off his limbs one by one, smiling, looking at me making sure I'm looking , to make sure I know who I belong to and that's him.

"NO" I screamed as he finally started hammering Kyle like he killed every other of his victims, crying blood, crawling back, I finally hit the wall covering my ears as I hear Kyle's screams and the monster's laughs. I am unable to close my eyes, because I know the monster wants me to watch and I don't know what will happen if I stop watching.

"Let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live,let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live, let him live. " I chant like a mantra, like if I say it enough times, it'll happen.

Kyle stopped breathing with the last hit of the hammer eyes not closed but painfully bulging out of their sockets, more red flowing out of him than out of my eyes


I screamed at the top of my lungs before passing out.

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