Terrorists? You can't be serious!

496 11 40

AN: I'm so bored rn T-T, anyways, ON WITH THE STORY


Will pov.

"Why do you want to know more about him?"

"Just answer our questions and we'll let you go."

"I wont answer any questions unless you bring me to Nico" I said will my arms crossed. 

Hey, is it really so bad to want to make sure you boyfriend is ok? Plus it's not like  I'll answer any important questions, just the harmless ones.

"Fine but answer one of my questions first," I nodded, "How are you so good with a bow?"


Nico's pov. 

As soon as Captain America left the room, I let out a long sigh. I hate socializing with people, it's truly exhausting.

After 10 minutes (I counted) the door was opened again. This time, however, It was the red head lady that I beat up. She was pushing someone into the room.

"Will!" I shouted

I was so exited that I jumped up, ripped off the chains on my hands, and ran to go hug him.

The red lady looked shocked for all of 2 seconds before she changed her surprised face to a neutral one.

"How did you do that?" she asked.

"Do what" I said with a smirk on my face.

She grunted and left the room.

--- a little time skippy------

Will's pov.

Nico and had been waiting in our cell for 30 minutes, when we heard some noise out side the door. I sounded like a... game of rock paper scissors?

After another 2 minutes the door opened and 7 people walked into our cell.

A guy with some pretty weird facial hair stepped forward

"We think that you guys are terrorists, and we need you to answer our question."

"TONY! We told you not to say it like that!" the blond archer that shot at me said.

"Well it's true!" the newly named Tony exclaimed.

Nico and I shared a glance before Nico burst out laughing.

"You really think we are terrorists!" Neeks said in between laughs.

"You can't be serious." I said while trying (and failing) to control my laughter.

All of the people looked at us like we were crazy, then the Tony guy spoke up again.

"I bet they are just nervous to tell us the truth, because we are famous."

"Actually, we have no idea who all of you are" Nico said with a shrug.

"Wha- How?.... You don't know who any of us are?"

"Well I recognise Captain America, and I think that's his best friend Sargent Barnes, but I'm not really sure."

"Wait how do you know Capsicle, but you don't know who the rest of us are?"

Nico just shrugged and looked away.

The rest of the Adults turned to go leave the room again, when the red lady stepped up to say something.

"Wait! The blond one never answered my question!"

All of the Adults turned to look at me again, while I gulped. I was praying that she had forgotten.

"How are you so good with a bow?"

I glansed at Nico asking if I should answer with the truth. Nico nodded his head slightly.

I sighed before answering, "I have been training with one since I was 10."


AN: this one was 500 words! Now I have some questions

Should I bring Peter Parker in?

If you said yes who do we want Peter's love interest to be?

Are there any other ships that you guys want to see in this book?

Anywhoo....... I hope you have a good day :)


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