Well this could go horribly wrong

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AN: I have been trying to figure out a schedule for chapter updates, and I think it will be every weekend.


Nico pov.

"What do you mean wars" 

I started cursing, of course I got kidnapped with the worst person at keeping secrets in the world.

"Language" Steve said with his arms crossed.

There was a collective groan from everyone in the room.

"Gods your such an old man" I said.

At that Will burst out laughing, "Nico, you're old too"

"What does that mean?"

"He's as old as cap?"

"That's not possible!"

Ugg these people are really starting to get on my nerves. Why are they asking so many questions? Oh yeah, it's because my boyfriend can't keep his mouth shut.

I sighed before speaking up, "Why don't we play a game? You know so we can get to know each other better."

"YES!!" Will exclaimed.

"Let's play truth or dare" Natasha suggested.


Will pov.

I'm so exited! I absolutely love playing truth or dare!

Nico must have seen the smile on my face because he laughed before agreeing to play.

"Let's all sit in a circle then"

We all spent 10 minutes moving all of the furniture to the edge of the room, so that there would be enough room to sit on the floor.

"You know what," Tony said with a mischievous smile on his face, "I have the perfect thing. Brb!"

"Ok then, lets all get settled while Tony goes and gets whatever it is he's so exited about."

We all nodded and sat down in a circle. I had Nico on my right and Clint towards the left of me.

--- a little time skip brought to you by me writing this so that I can put off cleaning my room---


Steve pov.

Tony came skipping back into the room. I was kind of scared because he had a crazy look on his face. 

"I developed a truth serum," he said while holding out a vile, "I thought we could test it out on this little game!"

I sighed. I swear that Tony is going to be the death of me.

"You know what, I don't even care anymore."

"Yeah let's spice it up!!!!"

"This could be interesting."

How are they all agreeing to this?!

I sighed before reluctantly agreeing.

Tony looked like he was about to burst.



AN: I think I might bring Peter into the next chapter.

I have decided that this book is going to include Parley and Stucky, so if you don't like that, then you don't have to keep reading. :)

If anyone has any other ships to add, just let me know.

love yall <3 


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