Apollo children are not good at lying

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AN: I am going to set a timer for the next chapter to post because my weeks are very stressful. Also this one is going to be a short one.


Nico's pov.

After Will told them about why he was so good with a bow, they all left with shocked faces.

"Why did you want me to tell them the truth?" Will asked me with one of his cute smiles

I laughed "Well, Apollo children are really bad at lying."

"oh shut up" Will said while playfully punching my shoulder.

"I just really hope they don't think that was suspicious."

"We'll be fine"


After another 15 minutes if us waiting, Captain America walked in again.

"I just have a few questions to ask, and then Bruce in going to give both of you a check up."

"ok......." I responded hesitantly.

"Who was that Bea person that you were mentioning?"

I gritted my teeth before answering, "Her name was Bianca. She was my sister, but she died when I was 10."

He nodded his head while writing something down on a piece of paper.

"Why did you train with a bow and arow from such a young age" this question was pointed at Will.

"I needed to learn how to use it to survive." That's not such a bad answer, it's not to vague but at the same time it's not to specific. Yes, it will probably still make them suspicious, but anything we can say would sound suspicious. I mentally applauded Will for coming up with a good answer.

Again the captain wrote something down on the paper, and asked another question.

"How do you explain all of the events that occurred with you close by, if you aren't a terrorist?"

This was a simple one "Wrong place at the wrong time." I shrugged.

"Ok last question," he looked up at me before he continued, "why do we have hardly anything about you on file?"

"Because I'm not supposed to exist."


AN: I left you guys off on kind of a cliff hanger :) The next chapter will come out at 5 AM tomorrow.

love you guys <3


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